The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao said that the restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing industry are cleared, and it will continue to promote the reasonable reduction in the negative list of foreign investment access, promote the opening of telecommunications, education, medical care, and continue to optimize business business.environment.

According to the First Financial Report, Wang Wentao attended the Fifth Transnational Corporation Leader Qingdao Summit on Wednesday (August 28), from more than 550 representatives from 451 multinational companies.

Wang Wentao said in his speech that Chinese -style modernization is continuously advanced in reform and opening up. It will also open up broad prospects in reform and opening up, bringing new motivations and opportunities for multinational companies to develop in China.

He pointed out that the restrictions on the manufacturing foreign capital access restrictions are cleared, and the next step will continue to promote reasonable reduction in the negative list of foreign investment access and hurry up to promote the openness of telecommunications, education, medical care and other services.

Wang Wentao said that it will further strengthen service guarantee, make good use of the mechanisms such as the round table meeting of foreign -funded enterprises, and maintain normalized communication with foreign -funded enterprises, promptly promote difficulties in solving difficulties, and ensure that foreign enterprises obtain and qualification permits in factors and qualification permits in factors., Standard formulation, government procurement and other national treatment.

He said that it will steadily expand the system of institutional type, actively connect with international high -standard economic and trade rules, promote the integration of rules and regulations management standards, actively expand and open, and open unilaterally.

Wang Wentao continued to finger, will actively develop a new model of foreign trade formats, expand new growth points such as digital trade and green trade, fully implement the negative list of cross -border service trade, promote the expansion of the comprehensive pilot demonstration of the service industry, implement the implementation of the comprehensive pilot demonstration, implement the implementationHigh -quality co -construction of the Belt and Road Initiative to promote international cooperation in the industrial chain supply chain.

The fifth consecutive year of this summit released a series of research reports in the Chinese series of multinational companies.The report shows that the proportion of tax revenue in foreign -invested enterprises in the past five years has always maintained more than 17%of the total tax revenue, and the proportion of foreign -invested enterprises' import and export trade accounted for total trade in China has always maintained more than 30%.