The Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, August 29th. Recently, with the approval of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted an investigation and investigation on the issue of Li Zuoming, the former secretary of the Minle County Party Committee Li Zuoming.

Li Zhaoming

After investigation, Li Zhaoming, as a leading cadre and local leaders of the party, lost his ideals and beliefs, annihilated the purpose of the purpose, the values ​​were severely distorted, there was no fear, and he broke the law for a long time.In violation of the political discipline of the party, bring the illegal audiovisual products to enter the country and read it without permission. Using illegal identity to transfer and conceal the income of violations of discipline and violations, do not report major matters to the organization in accordance with regulations; disregard the spirit of the eight central regulations, accept gifts of gifts, and accept management services many times.The tourism arrangements provided by the object are detoured by the name of training; in violation of the organization principles of the organization, concealing the real estate, it is not as good as the problem when the organization is inquiring, and the private interest in relatives in the recruitment of cadres and work mobilization;Arrange your relatives to "eat empty"; ignore the interests of the masses; violate work discipline, intervene and intervene in local market economic activities; violate the discipline of life, the family style is not right, and the spouse and children's life are luxurious.Inadequate officials, we order wisdom faint, conspiring and private, and use job convenience to make benefits for others in terms of project contracting and money settlement, and illegally accept huge amounts of property.His behavior seriously damaged the local political ecology, harmed the image of party members and leading cadres, and caused a bad social impact.

Li Zhaoming seriously violates the party's political discipline, the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, constitutes duty illegal, suspected of bribery, misappropriation of public funds, and in the party's eighteenDo not converge, do not stop, have bad nature, and serious circumstances, and should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China.The suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred.

The official resume shows that Li Zuoming, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1972. He was from Dingxi, Gansu, and has a graduate degree. He joined the work in August 1994 and joined the Communist Party of China in July 1995.

He once served as deputy secretary and mayor of the party committee of Xijiang Town, Minxian County, secretary of the party committee of Xijiang Town, Xixian County, and in 2004 he served as deputy magistrate of Minxian County.In 2006, he was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Lintong County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.long.

In October 2016, Li Zuoming was transferred to the county head of Minle County, and in January 2019, he served as Secretary of the Minle County Party Committee.

On May 24 this year, Li Zuoming was checked.