On August 29th from the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Zhang Hongli, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Governor of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd., was suspected of accepting bribery.The Supreme People's Procuratorate was designated and prosecuted by the Hangzhou People's Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province.Recently, the Hangzhou People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution to the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court.

The procuratorial organs informed the defendant Zhang Hongli's litigation rights in accordance with the law during the review and prosecution, and questioned the defendant and listened to the defender's opinion.Prosecutor's prosecution accusation: The defendant Zhang Hongli used the convenience of the party committee member and deputy president of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. to obtain benefits for relevant units and individuals, illegally accepting other people's property, and the amount was particularly huge.Its criminal responsibility.

Zhang Hongli Data Map

"Dig" from foreign banks

State -owned bank executives

Public resume shows that Zhang Hongli was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang in January 1965.For many years, he has served as the financial manager of the headquarters of the United States, the director of the Schroeda International Merchant Bank, the director of China, the executive director of the American Goldman Sachs Company and the chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office, and the chairman of the Deutsche Bank (China) Co., Ltd.

In 2010, Zhang Hongli served as the vice president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.

According to media reports, Zhang Hongli is the first foreign bank executive who directly serves as the deputy governor of the four major state -owned holding commercial banks by recruiting.

In July 2018, Zhang Hongli resigned after the 8 -year contract expired.ICBC issued an announcement at the time that Zhang Hongli was submitted for family reasons.

According to the report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on November 4, 2023, Zhang Hongli, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Political Customers

Deatful doctoral degree

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on May 9, 2024, the former Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaZhang Hongli, a member of the party committee and deputy president, was severely fired from the law.

The report said that Zhang Hongli lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, officials' fans, associated with political guests, exchanged interests, obtained political capital, committed superstition activities, read books with serious political issues, and confronted organizational review; ignored the central government in the central government;Eight provisions of the spirit, private aircraft for free management service objects, accepting tourism arrangements that may affect the implementation of official duties, organize public funds banquets in violation of regulations, public funds tourism; violate the principles of organization, adjust the cadres privately, and deceive doctoral degrees., During the organizational letter, it is better to explain the problem; it takes gifts in violation of regulations, borrows the housing of management service objects, uses buses in violation of regulations, reimburses personal expenses, and serves as a disciplinary line after leaving.Rights and money transactions, use job convenience to make benefits for others in loan financing and job arrangements, and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Zhang Hongli seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constituted serious job violations and suspected bribery crimes, and did not converge or accept after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Hands are serious in nature and have a bad impact, and should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred.

On May 16, 2024, after the jurisdiction designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Zhejiang Provincial People's Procuratorate arrested Zhang Hongli's arrest decision on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law.

[Source: Prosecutor's Daily Justice Network (ID: jcrb_zyw) Author: Zhu Shuhui]