After the Macau Special Head He Yicheng announced on Wednesday (August 21), it was announced that after the re -election, who was the next time that Macau had attracted much attention from the outside world.According to the analysis of the Hong Kong media, Cen Haohui, the president of the Court of Macau's Final Appeal, is currently hot.

According to Radio Macau, Cen Haohui attended the event on Thursday (August 22) and was asked by the media whether he intends to participate in the chief executive election that the chief executive is a lofty position to serve the Special Economic Zone of Macau and the residents.In the desire of Macau's service, some friends encouraged him to continue to contribute to Macau. For the problems raised by the media, he is considering that there is further news to tell you.

The first two chief executives after the return of Macau were all re -elected two sessions. The 67 -year -old He Yicheng only served as the chief executive of one session.The focus of discussion, and the topic of "Estimated Special" (guessing) fired again.But the Macau politics and the media may be a session of the next chief executive.

The Hong Kong Economic Daily reported on Thursday that it is reported that the relevant parties have changed their thinking and believes that it is not necessary to choose from the traditional large family of Macau or the business community. "Hong Kong is an example!"

It is reported that three people in the political circle are a hot candidate.In addition to Zhang Yongchun (57 years old), the director of the Macau Administrative Law of Macau, and Huang Shaoze (55 years old) (55 years old), the Director of the Macau Security Department, recently emerged: Cen Haohui, president of the 62 -year -old Court of Macau.

It is reported that Cen Haohui led the Macau court delegation to Beijing on July 25 and was met by Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office.The article described that after the Hong Kong and Macao and mainland China cleared the customs after the epidemic, the Director of Hong Kong and the delegation of the judicial institutions successively went to Beijing to meet Xia Baolong, and fewer officials in Macau went north.

The report from the Sing Tao Daily in Hong Kong even more directly pointed out that comprehensive news of all parties, Cen Haohui is hot, and it is likely to run.Chairman Liao Zeyun was also "named".

Data show that Cen Haohui was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong. He is the current president of the Court of Macau. At the same time, he serves as the chairman of the judge committee, a member of the independent committee of the recommendation judge, a member of the district judicial assistance and the international judicial mutual aid work group, and the honorary association of the Macau Basic Law Promotion AssociationChairman and other positions.In 1981, he was admitted to the Law Department of Peking University as a science champion in Zhongshan City. After graduating from university, he served as a practicing lawyer at a foreign economic law firm in Guangzhou.

Cen Haohui moved to Macau in 1986, and passed the first public examination through Macau in 1990 as a legal talent to study language and legal courses for the University of Portugal.One of the first courts of judicial participants, while working in the court and the procuratorate; in 1997, he served as a local jurisdictional court judge and was later elected as a member of the judicial committee. He was appointed Dean of the Court of Final Appeal in December 1999.

According to the Macau Chief Executive Election Law, the main officials, members of the Executive Council, judges and judicial assistants, etc., must be resigned or retired before the candidate nomination starts.The nomination period of the new Macau chief executive is from next Thursday (August 29) to September 12th.

Macau's head "Returning to the current"?

Wu Guochang, a former member of the Macau Legislative Council, said in an interview with the Taiwan Central News Agency that the background of Cen Haohui, Zhang Yongchun and Huang Shaoze was obviously very different from the former Chief Executive of Macau. The latter came from the businessman family and related backgrounds, but the former did not.If one of them is indeed competing, the background of Macau's first candidates has indeed changed, at least no longer from the family of traditional Macau.

He believes that Cen, Zhang, and Huang are born and educated in mainland China, and then moved to Macau and served as officials. Such a background may be easier to communicate with Beijing and gain trust.However, once these people with different backgrounds serve as the Chief Executive, it also means that Beijing has changed in the idea of ​​choosing the Chief Executive of Macau, which is "changing the soil."

"Returning the soil" is a centralized policy implemented by the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, that is, the governance right of hereditary (toast) in the border region of the border region, and the central government directly dispatched officials (Liu officers) to govern the place.

Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, said in an interview with the United Za posks that in recent years, the development of Macau has faced the problem of industrial transformation and upgrading.After he hopes that the new Macau Chief Executive will not rely on the gaming industry after taking office, he should try to give Hengqin to Give Macau's development space to promote the development of various business and service industries.

He said: "With the support of the central government, the new Macau government must further strengthen its connection with the mainland, especially using the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area to expand the development hinterland of Macau."