According to the People's Daily, on August 22, 2024, the first instance of the Handan Intermediate People's Court of Hebei Province opened a court in the first instance and tried the bribery of the former party secretary and chairman of the Dalian CPPCC of Liaoning Province.

The People's Procuratorate of Handan City, Hebei Province sued accusations: From January 2006 to the Spring Festival of 2023, the defendant Hao Hongjun used the deputy mayor of Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, the secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the director of the Fushun Municipal Party Committee of Liaoning ProvinceSecretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, the convenience conditions of the Dalian Municipal Committee of Liaoning Province, Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, Director of the Supervisory Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee, and Chairman of the Dalian CPPCC, and the convenience conditions for the formation of power or status.Individuals provide help in the issues of bank shares, engineering contracting, engineering sales, commodity sales, case processing, and promotion of positions, and directly or through others illegally to receive more than RMB 74.98 million.The procuratorial organs were requested to investigate Hao Hongjun's criminal responsibility for bribery.

During the trial, the procuratorial organs showed relevant evidence. The defendant Hao Hongjun and his defender conducted a qualitative certificate. The two parties of the prosecution fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court. Hao Hongjun made a final statement and expressed his guilty confession in court.At the end of the trial, the court announced the offer and pronounced it.

The representatives of the People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and more than 40 people from all walks of life listened to the trial.

Editor Chen Yanting