Shandong Liaocheng 1 labor company bids the 12345 government hotline service for the bid price of Liaocheng for more than 16.66 million yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, the same, S $ 3.049700), which has caused controversy.

Comprehensive Qilu Evening News and Dahe News reports, Liaocheng City Public Resources Trading Center shows that a labor company named "Shandong Moichi" in Shandong Province successfully won the service outsourcing project of the 12345 Citizens Hotline Acceptance Center, Involved 16.6664,664 yuan.

The bidding announcement of the project showed that the project was a government procurement project and specially purchased for SMEs with a budget of 16.73 million yuan and a contract performance period of 1 year.

Since 2020, the city will bid this service every year. The content includes the provision of and managing the call personnel to handle the various demands, consulting and suggestions of the citizens, covering the various communication channels of 12345Including telephone, social media, mobile applications, etc.

12345 hotline is a hotline of government affairs service services in various places. The public expects that government staff personally accept the public service platform for the masses.However, netizens found that the government's government hotline was outsourced for labor companies and was disappointed and puzzled.

But media reports pointed out that the 12345 hotline in many places in China uses outsourcing services.For example, Guangzhou also bids this service at the end of 2022, with a budget of 466 million yuan, and there are similar bidding information in Meizhou, Dongguan and other places.There are also many local governments that they have improved the efficiency of service after outsourcing.

Jimu news comments pointed out that hotline operations can be outsourced, and the government's responsibility for the people is "not outsourcing".