Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, August 21 (Reporter Hu Xiaoguang Feng Yueran) On the afternoon of August 21, local time, Premier Liqiang met with Russian President Putin at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Li Qiang first conveyed President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings and good wishes to President Putin.Li Qiang said that since the beginning of this year, the two heads of state have met twice this year to draw a new blueprint for further deepening bilateral relations and cooperation on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.The stable development of China -Russia relations is not only in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and the people, but also conducive to the peace, stability, and prosperity of regions and even the world.China is willing to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, maintain a good development momentum of bilateral relations, continuously expand all -round mutually beneficial cooperation, and achieve more pragmatic results.

Li Qiang pointed out that the current new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform have further advanced, containing huge development opportunities.While China is willing to cooperate with Russia, while consolidating the traditional fields of traditional fields, it strives to develop new -year -old cooperation, pay more attention to the use of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation -driven cooperation to continuously cultivate new economic growth points.The two sides should continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation between cultural tourism, education, youth, and localities, promote the people of the two peoples to know more about each other, and let China and Russia inheritance from generation to generation.In the context of accelerating the evolution of the World Centennial Change Bureau, China is willing to further strengthen multilateral coordination with Russia, continuously deepen mutual trust cooperation with developing countries, firmly promote the world's polarization and economic globalization, and better safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and international relations.Code.

Putin asked Li Qiang to convey his kind greetings and good wishes to President Xi Jinping.Putin said that this year is the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian and China Construction and China, and it is a memorable year in the history of the development of relations between the two countries.This morning, the Prime Minister of the two countries held an annual meeting to conduct in -depth exchanges on cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, humanities, and signing a series of cooperation documents. This is the strong implementation of my important consensus with President Xi Jinping and achieved fruitful results.Russia is willing to further strengthen mutual benefit cooperation with China, expand humanistic exchanges, and closely develop communication and collaboration in multilateral mechanisms such as BRICS countries, and promote greater development in the strategic partnership between Russia and China in the new era.Set

He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, and Yi Yiqin attended the meeting.