"12345, find something to find the government". If you are in the Chinese folk, you may have to change the lines.

Liaocheng, Shandong Province, announced on August 13 that the city's 12345 hotline acceptance center project was outsourced to a labor service company called Shandong Mo Yi with a bid for 16.66 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 3.05 million)The contract performance period is one year.

根据招标文件,山东陌一负责的业务内容包括提供和管理话务人员受理市民各项诉求、咨询、建议等,范围涵盖12345热线的各个沟通渠道,包括电话、社交媒体、移动应用、Online acceptance platform.

Liaocheng City Public Resources Trading Center shows that the enterprise of the winning 12345 hotline acceptance center project is Shandong Moyi Labor Co., Ltd., with a bid amount of 16.66 million yuan.(Screenshot of the official website of Liaocheng Public Resources Trading Center)

12345 hotline, also known as the mayor of the mayor, is a government service hotline opened by China. People can directly convey their demands to local government departments through this hotline.

However, Liaocheng decided to hand over the official public service platform to a well -known business company to operate. The public's response was puzzled, questioned and disappointed.

Some netizens teased, always thinking that the hotline was called to the mayor, but it was only temporary workers who answered the phone; and some netizens questioned that Liaocheng was not rich., Don't train more wiring personnel, "How deep is the water behind?"

Some netizens found that Shandong Moyi Co., Ltd., who hosted the project, was established in 2018 with a registered capital of 40 million yuan. From 2018 to 2022, no social security was paid to employees.

Some netizens questioned: "an outsourced company that even social security is unwilling to pay on time, can it provide high -quality services?"

In fact, from 2020, Liaocheng will open up the 12345 hotline service project of the city every year.Shandong Ludong Human Resources, Shandong Jin Non -Communications Technology and other companies have all won the bid.

From the perspective of nationwide, it is not just Liaocheng, Shandong.According to the Dahe Daily, Guangxi Nanning, Hubei Xiaogan, Hebei Qinhuangdao, Yulin, Shaanxi, Jinan, Shandong, and Quanzhou, Fujian will allow external companies to accept this project.

Guangzhou's budget for this project last year was as high as 467 million yuan.

The sad song of the wiring staff

The reason why various local governments choose to outsourcing the hotline service is the lack of administrative resources.

According to Chinese media reports, the 12345 hotline almost integrates most of the original local government service and convenience hotline. The main functions include providing information consulting such as public policies and processing processes;Suggestions; sometimes some emergency situations and reports of violations of laws and regulations, answering, classification, transfer, supervision, etc.

Faced with such a heavy task, plus the publicity slogan of "Playing 12345" is deeply rooted in the people's hearts, and the emphasis on the appraisal of 12345 "acceptance of the law", the distribution of grass -roots administrative resources and the ability of the corresponding offices will inevitably be in short supply.It is difficult to guarantee service efficiency and quality.

With the popularity of the 12345 hotline, these grass -roots personnel have to face the unreasonable and unreasonable demands of the people.

For example: Some people complained that the barber shop cut his own bangs and asked to restore the original, otherwise he would jump off the building and commit suicide.Raising children, hoping that the government will receive ", or some difficult problems, such as the road outside the house is too narrow, and the government is required to broaden.

Faced with such wonderful demands, grassroots personnel have no right to represent the functional departments to refuse, so that they are often busy and unsuccessful passive situations, facing huge psychological pressure.If there are no professional wiring personnel to screen these demands in advance, it may further cause public resources to be wasted and service efficiency declines.

Under various considerations, and the official has proposed many times to shoulder the grassroots and promote the reform of the "decentralization of service", the hotline service outsourcing seems to be the only alternative answer.

From the actual feedback, some local governments do have increased service efficiency and satisfaction after outsourcing the hotline service.

Nanning reported in 2021, from July 2020 to June 2021, the number of valid calls received by the city increased by 2.38 times compared with the same period of the previous year, and the service participation rate increased from less than 1%to 54.34%, andThe satisfaction rate also increased from 78%to 97.68%.

Outsourcing service is a double -edged sword

In this way, outsourcing can indeed effectively solve some problems, but the concerns and doubts of the people after outsourcing may be difficult to ignore.

The doubt of the first time is that the outsourcing labor company is not as good as government departments to understand the people's conditions. How can the government be effectively resolved, and can the government effectively supervise and evaluate the services provided by the outsourcing company?

There are also people who are worried that in order to pursue the satisfaction rate and other indicators, if the outsourcing company does not refuse the unreasonable demands that are difficult to solve, will it harm the government's credibility and add a burden on the functional department?

Furthermore, the 12345 project is obviously a "big fat". If the bidding process is insufficient, will it breed corruption?There is a more commercial company between the grassroots and official appeal channels, will it make the people's demand more difficult to convey?

These doubts may not be exactly groundless.

In 2018, a teacher in a school in Chizhou, Anhui reflects the issue of campus life subsidies on the "Guichi District People's Government" WeChat platform.; After the teacher sends the information again, another sentence comes back, "I seem to hear a group of mosquitoes be buzzing."

Teachers in a school in Chizhou, Anhui, the WeChat platform reflects the issuance of campus life subsidies on the "Guichi District People's Government" WeChat platform.I seemed to hear a group of mosquitoes buzzing. "(Internet)

The official investigation stated that the "Release of the People's Government of Guichi District" WeChat was operated by China Unicom Chizhou Branch on behalf of it. This "accident" was caused by "system automatic reply".

Local governments spent money outsourcing, but I bought a "accident".In the final analysis, once the supervision and assessment of government departments is poor, the service outsourcing is off, which is a double -edged sword that is used to hurt.

The reason why the

12345 hotline can operate smoothly as the channels for communication between government and the people is to largely rely on the two -way travel between the people and the government, depending on the trust relationship between the two.

The public's concerns about the outsourcing of the Liaocheng Government Hotline Platform also highlights that they are afraid that once the local government retreats behind the operation of the 12345 hotline, the surviving channels that can directly communicate with the official communication will also disappear.

On Weibo, many netizens said below the relevant posts that they wanted to contract the Shandong Court, Police Station, and even netizens that they wanted to outsourcing the mayor and the county party secretary.These messages seem to be joking and ridiculous, but they also show their ridicule and anxiety about real problems.

If the hotline platform is outsourced, the reasonable demands of each people can still be taken seriously, and the communication channels between the people and the official and the official are still unblocked. Maybe no one will care about who the other end of the phone is.