On August 5th, some officials confirmed to Peng Mei News that the Chinese Children's Children's Charity Rescue Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese Children's Club) project area was recently reported to the surging newsThe person in charge Lei Mou was taken away by the relevant departments for suspected crime a few months ago. The current case has been transferred to the procuratorate.The relevant departments are further verifying whether the content of the content of the online report is true, moral issues or criminal crimes.

According to media reports, the staff of the Civil Affairs Department of Henan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs said that the civil affairs department attaches great importance to the situation of Lei, which is reflected by netizens, and is further verifying.

Lei Mou was the vice president of the Nanyang Volunteer Federation, and is now the legal representative of the Volunteer Association of Wolong District of Nanyang.There is no Lei Mou in the list of directors announced by the Surging News Henan Provincial Charity Federation.In this regard, the relevant person in Henan Provincial Charity Federation told Peng Mei News that Lei had been a executive director of the association, but because he had not actively fulfilled his duties for a long time, he had been removed in accordance with the regulations of the articles of association a few months ago."(At that time) I couldn't contact him for a long time," said the relevant person.

Recently, some people broke the news online that Lei Mou asked the sick child's mother to "sleep with him once and give a donation; sleep again, and give some donations again", which attracted social attention.

At noon on August 5th, the aforementioned officials told Peng Mei News that Lei's household registration is Henan Nanyang, and these years are mainly active in Beijing and Zhengzhou.A few months ago, Lei had undergone investigations on relevant departments for suspected crime.At present, the case has been transferred to the procuratorate.Recently, Lei's family members have commissioned a lawyer to meet Lei.

Several public welfare people who have been paying attention to the Chi Cihui for a long time told Peng Mei News that last year, the incident of Ko Mouxiao deceived by the Chi Cihui, and Wang Mou, the former deputy secretary -general of the Chi Cihui, was arrested.Lei Mou and Wang Mou were closely related, and they were also arrested for suspected crime.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs reported on June 11, 2024. After investigation, from June to August 2023, Kemou raised funds from parents in the name of the "Children's Conscanium 9958 Project" to deceive the parents of the children.The money is nearly 10 million yuan.In September 2023, because of suspected fraud, Ke Mouxiao was taken for mandatory measures. At present, the case has been transferred to the judicial organs for treatment.Wang Ci Association Deputy Secretary -General and the head of the 9958 project, Wang, was suspected of duties and had been transferred to the judicial organs for investigation by the relevant supervision organs.

On August 6, Ms. Zheng, a public welfare person who reported Lei Mou, told Peng Mei News that she was also one of the founders of the 9958 project. Lei Mou had multiple mobile phone numbers and WeChat.The screenshot of WeChat chat provided by Ms. Zheng shows that at the end of July 2024, one of her friends also added the other party's WeChat through a mobile phone number commonly used by Lei.(Now) There is no way to contact person, it needs help.Ms. Zheng believes that Lei Mou's common mobile phone number and WeChat are not mastered by relevant departments. They hope to submit evidence to the relevant departments and the evidence of Lei Mou's suspected of being sick.

Ms. Zheng said that in 2020, she reported to the police about a Ms. Liu "who was required to be accompanied by Lei Mou". However, when the police investigated the police, Ms. Liu later changed her mouth to say that she was voluntary, because of emotion.According to Red Star News, a policeman who had a hand -up at that time said that because the parties said they were voluntary and the evidence was not sufficient, it was impossible to file a case.

Ms. Zheng told Peng Mei News that the Internet reported on the Internet that Lei Mou asked for "sleeping with sleep" was a netizen's private message to her through Weibo in June this year.The other party also sent the police contact information to the other party. However, the other party said that when the work of the parties, there will be no positive response to whether it will be reported directly.

Ms. Zheng introduced that there are many projects in children, and the 9958 projects have obtained more resources.According to the regulations, children's ci will not set up local branches.Lei Mou was the earliest responsible for the Henan area of ​​the 9958 project, known as the "person in charge of Henan", and later became the head of Central China (Henan, Hubei and other provinces).