China Resources Satellite Application Center website releases: Outstanding Party member of the Communist Party of China, a famous Chinese aerospace science and technology expert, academician of the International Astronautics Academy, and the world's first female aerospace science and technology expert, China Resource SatelliteComrade Wu Meirong, former chief designer and commander of the resource satellite engineering application system, was invalid due to illness. He died at 5:20 on July 28, 2024 at 5:20 at the age of 88.

Wu Meirong

China Remote Sensing Application Association introduced that Comrade Wu Meirong was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu in January 1936, and studied at Changzhou Senior High School in Jiangsu; in 1952, he was admitted to Northwest Institute of Technology (now Northwest Institute of Technology);Study from the Preparatory Department; studying at the Moscow Institute of Moscow in the Soviet Union in 1954; in 1960, he received a master's degree and returned to China.In 1961, he served as the head of the Discussion Team of the Dongfeng Missile's horizontal guidance plan to complete the task. From 1962 to 1964, he served as the leader of the coordinate conversion research team to solve the key issues of the series.Full inertia guidance model; by 1977, he participated in more than 20 large -scale experiments and served as deputy captain of the test team 16 times, repeatedly excluded major failures.

In the early 1980s, Comrade Wu Meirong undertook the informatization and digital transformation tasks of the Long March Rockets and control.In 1982, he participated in the establishment of the computer measurement and control joint company of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. From the deputy director to the general manager, he was always responsible for technical work, and effective application of computer assistance measurement in more than 20 models such as strategic/tactical missiles, launch vehicles, satellites, and satellites With CAMAC, enters my country's aerospace measurement and control launch technology into the international advanced ranks.

In 1985, in the face of the first large -scale comprehensive international sports meeting since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 11th Asian Games, Comrade Wu Meirong bravely took over the burden and served as the chief designer of the Asian Games electronic service system.Strong> Creatively complete the construction of computers, communications, radio, television and other sub -system construction and undergoing the test of operations. It provides key support for the successful holding of the Asian Games, forms a model for the formation of aerospace technology.The event laid a solid foundation and accumulated valuable experience.

In the late 1980s, my country followed the development of independently promoting independent transmission of land remote sensing satellites.In order to strengthen the construction of satellite ground and application system, Comrade Wu Meirong was ordered to form a China Resource Satellite Application Center in June 1990 and serve as director; facing the national environment of compression and schemes at that time, after hard work, on October 5, 1991Successfully completed creation. On this basis, regardless of the severe situation of satellite ground and application systems from all walks of life, Comrade Wu Meirong serves as chief designer of the Satellite Satellite Application System of China Pakistan No. 1. The State Council Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and State Councilor went to the relevant ministries and commissions, and the enterprise units in various fields to conduct hundreds of reports and communication and coordination, which laid a solid foundation for my country's land remote sensing satellite ground system construction, application promotion and the development of the Chinese resource satellite application center. Essence

From the 1980s to the early 1990s, the demand for remote sensing in national economic and social development was increasingly urgent.Under the guidance of the former State Family Planning Commission, the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, and the Ministry of Aerospace Department, it was supported by Shanxi, Hunan, Jiangsu, Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities to prepare a national industry association in the field of remote sensing in my country.Comrade Wu Meirong actively participated, coordinated, vigorously organized, and innovated, and supported the National Remote Sensing Work Conference in Shanxi in August 1992.Remote Sensing Application Association "), relying on the newly formed China Resources Satellite Application Center to set up a secretariat at that time.Comrade Wu Meirong was appointed by the former Ministry of Aerospace Industry on December 3, 1992 to be the chairman of the first council, providing important support for the establishment and development of the association.

After 2000, Comrade Wu Meirong actively engaged in international astronal exchanges with the International Aerospace Academy of Sciences and the Asia -Pacific Space Cooperation Organization.In 2001, he was elected as an academician of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), and later served as a member of the Presidium and the chairman of the Ministry of Social Sciences.In 2002, he served as the chief expert of the Asia -Pacific Space Multilateral Cooperation Space Technology Application.

In 2014, at the World Aerospace Director Summit held in Washington, USA, Comrade Wu Meirong was awarded the "von Carmen Award" to recognize her outstanding contribution to the cooperation of the aerospace industry and international aerospace.Wu Meirong is the first female aerospace science and technology expert in the international astronal industry.Mr. Kang Tan, Secretary -General of the International Astronautics Academy of Sciences, praised Academician Wu Meirong, saying that she reflected the national spirit of hard work, bravery, perseverance, and selfless dedication.

Data Source: China Resources Satellite Application Center website, China Remote Sensing Application Association