On the eve of the PLA's Bayi Army, the political member of the Chinese Navy General Yuan Huazhi published a signature article published on Wednesday (July 31), saying that it should twist the talent construction of talent construction.The main contradictions, further increase the use of excellent young cadres, to form the vivid situation of people's talents, talents, and talents.

There are more than 6,400 words in this article entitled Chang Xiu's virtue to solve the problem of ideological root.Yuan Huazhi said in the article that since the establishment of the people's navy for 75 years, the foundation has been laid from the "three piles".Rectify the "renovation and new disadvantages," take the sea as the home, the island as the home, and the ship as the home "to build the ocean.The era of sovereignty, security, and development benefits.

Yuan Huazhi pointed out in the article: Building a strong navy is the unremitting pursuit of the Chinese government., Prepare for the struggle as the responsibility, use fighting the sea and the air defense as the department, boost the spirit of the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer, and continue to push the construction of a strong naval cause.

Yuan Huazhi said that the modernization of the navy is a pioneering cause, but the reformers have advanced, innovators are strong, and reform innovators wins.To be aimed at the new height.Grasp the essential characteristics of the modernization of the navy, recognize that the modernization of the navy is the modernization of political leadership and the leading ideology, the modernization of advanced theory, superb strategic modernization, modernization with a strong system, strong ability, and military -civilian oneThe modernization of peace and responsibility for justice has unswervingly follow the road of building a strong navy with Chinese characteristics.

He also said that we must do the present and the future in the new breadth.To achieve the strategic thinking and long -term vision of the establishment of the army for 100 years, we must take one step, two steps, and look at three steps, seize the opportunity of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" tackling, the "15th Five -Year Plan" pre -research, study and think about the development of the navy.How to improve the strategy, how military theory develops, how to design the planning plan, how to build the construction path, and how to optimize the structure of the structure, and set up the "four beams and eight pillars" to promote the modernization of the navy.Take a new road and climb the new high in the new dimension.Eliminate ideas, update the concepts, resolutely abandon the old concepts, old routines, and old habits, adhere to the new domain and new quality, to be competitive from scientific and technological innovation, drive the military and civilian integration to drive the driving force, and strive to create a new development and development of the naval construction.Growth pole.

Yuan Huazhi finally pointed out that the main contradiction of the current naval construction and development of talent construction is tightly embodied, and the "three new" long -term planning of the Navy's party committee design is continuously implemented.The "four balance" guidance principles, the "four cycle" communication roads that follow, further increase the strength of excellent young cadres, increase the appropriate efforts of people and jobs, increase the training of full links, hard strength, hard strengthChoose the best, improve the accuracy of people's penetrating power, and focus on forming a vivid situation of the upper, superior awards, mediocrities, and inferiority, and form the vivid situation of people to do their best, to do their best, and talents.