Suzhou Industrial Park (hereinafter referred to as "Park") Ma Xiangyu, a member of the Commerce Bureau, publicly reported the real -name report of the Park Business Bureau Zhu Huan to corruption.At present, the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have set up a special working group to conduct investigations and investigations on this matter.The involved parties mentioned in the report have denied the existence of benefit delivery relationship.

On July 30, Ma Xiangyu told a special journalist that "no call from the city's investigation team has not yet been received."On the afternoon of the 30th, he received a notice that "the unit leader asked all employees to suspend the annual vacation from tomorrow and return to work normally."The reporter then contacted Sun Jingxia, deputy director of the Business Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park.She said that there is indeed this notice, "It is the decision we made according to the needs of the work", and other information is inconvenient to disclose.

On July 30, Ma Xiangyu provided a special reporter to read a reporter in the Suzhou District of China (Jiangsu) Free Trade Zone.

On July 27, Ma Xiangyu, a graduate of Tsinghua University in 2018, and a member of the Suzhou Industrial Park Business Bureau, reported on the real name of the Suzhou Industrial Park Business Bureau, Zhu Huan, and others on multiple social platforms.In terms of benefits, providing false materials to the provincial party committee inspection team, etc., the amount involved exceeds 17 million yuan.(For details, please refer to the special client that previously reported the real name of Tsinghua graduates to report the corruption of the director of the Suzhou Business Bureau.

In the report letter, Ma Xiangyu listed four categories of clues, including evidence materials such as contracts, bills, inquiry records, call recording, WeChat chat records, mail accounts and other evidence materials.One clue refers to the KPMville Enterprise Consultation (China) Co., Ltd. (China) Co., Ltd. (China) and Pricewater Yongdao Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Pricewater Yongdao").Ma Xiangyu pointed out that Lin Xiaoli was long been designated as the winning bidder of the business environment related issues related to the Comprehensive Coordination Bureau of the Free Trade Zone. The total value of the case was not less than 4.65 million yuan, and Zhu Huan and Lin Xiaoli had formed close interest groups.

Another clue points to the bidding party of the conference services of Suzhou Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -China Cooperation Services Trade Innovation Forum, Suzhou Mai Family National Exhibition and Exhibition Co., Ltd.Ma Xiangyu pointed out that, under the instructions of Zhu Huan, since the establishment of the Comprehensive Coordination Bureau of the Free Trade Zone in 2019, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Sino -Senior Service Forum Conference services have been limitedThe company won the bid by bidding, and the total number of bids in four years reached 10.75 million yuan.

On July 30, according to Caixin report, Lin Xiaoli denied and Zhu Mou's existence of benefits, and revealed that he had cooperated with the investigation by the relevant departments around March this year.Regarding Ma Xiangyu's stringing problem, Lin Xiaoli believes that "this may be a problem in the industry.""If you go to tenders every time, then some institutions may be used at a low price to win the bid, and then it will be poor and become a waste of resources."

Lin Xiaoli said: "Of course we are not monopolizing this place. They (Suzhou Industrial Park) may have more than ten or twenty projects each year.Some institutions such as research institutes, universities, and other institutions are all done like this, and the procedures are so away. Why not find them? "

Suzhou Mai Family National Exhibition Co., Ltd. said "do not understand the situation in the report."At present, Ma Xiangyu does not provide evidence that the above companies and people have benefited from Zhu Huan.

According to the mobile client of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Media Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, the mobile client "intersection point" news on July 29. In response to the problems reported by Ma Xiangyu, the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attached great importance to the establishment of a special work group immediately.Examine the investigation.According to the news, after Ma Moumou reported to the real -name report of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in March 2023, the relevant parties immediately conducted a verification. Ma Moumou successively reported the new situation and the relevant departments continued to follow up."The recent video involves new problems. The special working group will be processed according to the verification situation.

On July 30, Ma Xiangyu said in an interview with a special reporter that he had not received a call from the city's investigation team from yesterday that the investigation team was established yesterday.Regarding the unit's request to return to the job tomorrow, he said: "If I received a call from the formal investigation team, I would go back to work. If I go back like this now, I might not come back and I will be controlled."

Screenshot of WeChat chat records provided by Ma Xiangyu

The reporter learned that the return notice was sent to Ma Xiangyu via WeChat by Sun Jingxia.In the recording document provided by Ma Xiangyu, Sun Jingxia said that "the organization department is comprehensively verified and verified the information feedback from you (Ma Xiangyu). We require all staff to return to work and work normally.Verification and verification.

(Author: Reading Journalist Li Yilu)