Written article 丨 Yu Hui According to Jiangxi Daily, on July 29, the sixth plenary session of the 15th Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Nanchang.The plenary session reviewed and passed the review report of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Disciplinary Inspection Commission on Comrade Xu Hong's serious violations of discipline and law, and confirmed that the provincial party committee's Standing Committee previously gave Comrade Xu Hong to revoke the party's post.

Public information shows that Xu Hong, male, Han nationality, born in August 1968, 56 years old, Jiangxi Shangrao people, member of the Communist Party of China, doctoral degree, doctoral degree in economics, doctorate in application economics, professor.After graduating from the Physics Department of the Shangrao Normal University in 1988, Xu Hong has been a teacher who has been a 9 -year teacher in Wannian County Middle School.

In 1997, Xu Hong was admitted to a graduate student of political economics at the School of Economics and Management of Northwest University.In 2002, Xu Hong became a cadre of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas liaison offices of the United Front Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee.

In 2009, Xu Hong turned to work in colleges and universities. From July 2009 to April 2015, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Donghua University of Technology.

From April 2015 to June 2018, Xu Hong served as a member of the party group of the Jiangxi Provincial Audit Department and the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Audit Department of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.During the period, from March 2017 to February 2018, he served as the deputy leader (deputy director) of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Administration of Discipline Inspection.In June 2018, Xu Hong served as member of the Standing Committee of the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

In April 2019, Xu Hong served as Deputy Mayor of Xinyu City.In March 2021, Xu Hong served as Deputy Secretary of the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee and nominated as the mayor of the mayor.

During Xu Hong's mayor, Xinyu's "1.24" fire accident had attracted attention.At 15:00 on January 24 this year, a fire broke out in Yilin, Yushui District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province.The accident killed 39 people and injured 9 people.After the fire, Xu Hong informed the situation at the press conference and bowed on the spot.Three years after the mayor, Xu Hong resigned as the mayor.

On July 9, Xinyu Daily released the news that the 25th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th People's Congress of Xinyu City decided: The request to accept Xu Hong's resignation of the mayor of the People's Government of Xinyu City , And report to the fifth meeting of the 10th People's Congress of Xinyu City for the record.A few days before the resignation of the mayor's position, Xu Hong attended the event many times.On June 29, Xu Hong went to the front line to investigate and supervise the work of urban flood prevention and drainage.

On July 3rd, the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Standing Committee Coordination Society was held, and Xu Hong attended.On July 25, the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress issued an announcement saying that the Standing Committee of the Xinyu Municipal People's Congress decided to accept Xu Hong and Jian Huafeng's resignation of representatives of the 14th People's Congress of Jiangxi Province.The qualifications of Xu Hong and Jian Huafeng were terminated.Jian Huafeng previously served as the mayor of Yushui District, Xinyu City, and resigned on July 5.

Today, Xu Hong has seriously violated discipline and has been revoked in the party.The Chinese Communist Party's Disciplinary Regulations stipulate that the types of disciplines of party members include: warning; serious warning; revoking the party's position ; inspection of the party; expel the party.

The revocation of the party's duties refers to the party's position that the party members are appointed or organized by the party members in the party.For more than two positions in the party, when the party organization decides to be punished, it should be clear whether all positions or one or more positions should be revoked.If you decide to revoke one of his positions, you must revoke the highest position he holds.If you decide to withdraw more than two positions, you must start with the highest position it holds.

For the job outside the party, it should be recommended that off -party organizations should be abolished outside the party.Party members have been revoked in the party's duties. They must not hold and recommend to the party outside the party within two years to recommend the position of equivalent or higher than their original positions than their original positions.