From July 19th to 23rd, July 19th to 23rd, 2024, a number of sources from Sichuan told Economic Observation Network reporters that then China Resources Land Co., Ltd. (01109.HK, referred to as "China Resources Land"))Chen Gang, general manager of the western region, has been investigated by the police for suspected violence against female subordinates.

(Chen Gang, general manager of the central and western regions of China Resources Land. Picture source: Propaganda information of China Resources Land Original Huaxi District)

On July 23, reporters from Economic Observation Network also contacted the victims of Chen Gang suspected of violations.She told the Economic Observer reporter that Chen Gang's violent injury to his implementation on July 17, 2024, and she called the police that day.The public security department subsequently took the police and took Chen Gang away.

The lady also said that her condition has not been good since the incident.

Chen Gang, who has worked in China Resources Land Company for many years, has served as general manager of Changchun City, Northeast China, general manager of the Northeast Region, and general manager of East China.After 2018, he also participated in a number of public activities with the vice president of China Resources Land and general manager of East China.

In April 2020, the First Financial Daily disclosed that Chen Gang had a "siege scandal" with China Shipping Real Estate, Vanke, etc. in the East China Region, China Resources Land.Essence

After the "siege scandal", Chen Gang stepped down as the general manager of China Resources Land East China.Around 2021, he was transferred to China Resources Land Huaxi District, resident in Chengdu, and participated in a number of public activities as the vice president of China Resources Land and general manager of West China.

However, reporters from the Economic Observation Network read the materials such as the China Resources Land Research and annual reports from the beginning of 2018 to July 23, 2024. No "senior managers" disclosed in China Resources Land were not seen.

In 2024, China Resources Land was adjusted to adjust the internal structural adjustment to merge its seven regions across the country into five regions, including the cancellation of Huazhong District, and the former Huazhong region Wuhan Company and Changsha Company were placed under the management of the West China Region management.It is renamed the central and western regions, and the headquarters is located in Chengdu. It includes five major city companies: Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, Wuhan, and Changsha.

Chen Gang serves as the general manager of China Resources Land Central and Western Regions.

China Resources Land is a company responsible for real estate development and operation of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., one of the central enterprises under the SASAC.The company's official website introduced that China Resources Land was reorganized in 1994 and was listed on the Hong Kong Joint Exchange in 1996.In 2023, China Resources Land achieved operating income of 251.1 billion yuan, core net profit of 27.8 billion yuan, and achieved a contract amount of 307 billion yuan, ranking fourth in the national real estate industry.