Zou Wanyin, former director of the Cultural History and History Committee of the CPPCC of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was convicted of bribery, the use of influence, bribery, illegal holding of firearms, and the crime of recreational.Fourteen years and six months.Recently, the Inner Mongolia High Court issued a second instance ruling to maintain the original judgment.

The case of Zou Wanyin has attracted much attention because it involves Li Zhenxi, chairman of the original contractor bank, Li Zhenxi, and former president Wang Huiping (both of them handled separately).

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was reported in 2021. The Chamber of Commerce Bank and some illegal financial groups had premeditated to corrode the "hunting" of relevant leading cadres, and the property and real estate involved were equivalent to about 700 million yuan.

Public information shows that Zou Wanyin, born in 1953, is a Sichuan -funded person.From 1994 to 2003, he successively served as the director of the Bayannuki office in Beijing and the director of the Inner Mongolia Office in Beijing.Since then, Zou Wanyin has been transferred to members and vice chairman of the Party Group of Inner Mongolia Social Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Social Science Federation).In 2011, he followed the Director of the Cultural and History and Data Committee of the Inner Mongolia CPPCC, and retired in 2016.In 2020, Zou Wanyin accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Inner Mongolia Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Inner Mongolia Discipline Inspection Commission for serious disciplinary violations.

The prosecutor of the first instance shows that from 2008 to 2016, Zou Wanyin used the convenience conditions of his position or the position formed by the position of his position., Call or illegally receive a total of 22 million yuan.Among them, Zou Wanyin asked Li Zhenxi, chairman of the original contractor bank of RMB 21.78 million illegally.

In the second half of 2008, Li Zhenxi, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, asked Zou Wanyin to help Zou Wanyin, and sent the other party's 100,000 yuan benefits.In April and September 2009, Zou Wanyin thought that Li Zhenxi had helped the above position to help 3.1 million yuan in two times. In July 2009, Zou Wanyin asked Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi.He also received and asked Li Zhenxi to accept and ask for 3.3 million yuan in the name of holding a calligraphy and painting meeting.

It is worth noting that the indictment shows that from 2014 to 2016, Zou Wanyin also asked Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi to ask Li Zhenxi from 2014 to 2016.

In addition, prosecutors accused that Zou Wanyin used its influence to receive 700,000 yuan in Baotou Rural Commercial Bank Governor Gao Junling.

Chen Wei, a lawyer of Jingshi Law Firm, serves as a defense lawyer Zou Wanyin.He believes that the public prosecution agency has accused Zou Wanyin's crime of bribery unclear and insufficient evidence, and should not be determined.Among them, through the testimony of witness testimony and the statement of the defendant, it can be confirmed that Zou Wanyin received 1.68 million yuan in Li Zhenxi's price of a target tooth or an emerald bracelet in July 2009.In addition, in 2009 and 2011, Zou Wanyin planned the Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and Painting Conference for the Palentry Bank, which received 3.3 million yuan, of which 300,000 yuan was rewarded by personal labor remuneration.The price of the painting and the emerald bracelet should not be identified as a bribe.

The court of first instance believes that after investigation, the bribes Li Zhenxi and Zou Wanyin's confession confirmed that in July 2009, Zou Wanyin received a transaction consideration of a target of Li Zhenxi's 1.68 million yuan, but the case was not detained to trading items in the case.Ivory value geometry and authenticity are doubtful. According to the principles that are conducive to the defendant, the charges are not supported.In addition, the court believes that Zou Wanyin held 3 million yuan of 3.3 million yuan from the paintings and painting clubs twice.The facts are unclear, the evidence is insufficient, and it is not determined.In addition, the prosecutor accused Zou Wanyin's acceptance of some facts in Li Zhenxi. The court believed that Li Zhenxi bribed to Zou Wan Bank for active and positive attitude, so the bribery situation was not determined.

It is worth noting that the prosecutor has also accused that Zou Wanyin extorted 13.2 million yuan against the original President Wang Huiping.

Prosecutors accused that in July 2009, Zou Wan Yin Jing Jing Li Zhenxi introduced and met Wang Huiping.The latter two gradually developed into a lover relationship. During the period, Zou Wanyin learned from Wang Huiping's mouth that a group illegally obtained the core secrets of loans from Baoshang Bank .Two houses (with four real estate certificates).Zou Wanyin asked his son and nephew to help Wang Huiping.Later, Zou Wanyin learned that his wife learned the relationship between the two and went to the disciplinary committee and the work unit of the two people to report it.The above two real estate .It is determined by professional institutions that the two sets of real estate are worth nearly 10 million yuan.

In addition, in early 2013, Zou Wanyin proposed to survive the two real estate in Baotou under the name of Wang Huiping as a reason.In order to get rid of his entanglement and fear that Zou Wanyin leaked the core secrets of the bank, he did it.After identification, the above two real estate values were worth more than 1.21 million yuan.

Lawyer Chen Wei's defense believes that according to witness testimony and the victim's statement mutual confirmation, the above -mentioned Beijing's two real estate, Wang Huiping took the initiative to find Zou Wanyin to let him handle his holdings. Zou Wanyin did not illegally occupy the intention and behavior of the property.In addition, the relevant evidence proved that the two real estate in Baotou was Wang Huiping's initiative to give Zou Wanyin, and it cannot be considered as the defendant's extortion.The court of first instance believes that the prosecutor's allegations of extortion of Zou Wanyin were insufficient evidence and did not support it.

The former star bank of Baoshang Bank entered the bankruptcy procedure in 2020 after creating more than 220 billion yuan of non -performing assets.According to Caixin.com, in 2019, Li Zhenxi was asked to assist in the investigation, while Wang Huiping took the initiative to invest.However, the interface news has not found the results of the follow -up processing of the two.

The court of first instance determined that Zou Wanyin, as a national staff, used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others, illegally accepting a total of 17.32 million yuan in the property of others, which is particularly huge and crime of bribery.Conditions, through the duties of staff of other countries, in order to invite people to seek unfair interests, illegally accepting 700,000 yuan in the property and materials of others, the amount is huge, and the influence is crime of bribery.The crime of prisoning to marriage; violating the management regulations of guns, illegally holding guns, crime of illegal holding of guns; several crimes and punishment, decided to implement the sentence for fourteen years and six months in prison, and fined 1.2 million yuan.

Zou Wanyin refused to accept the judgment of the first instance and filed a appeal. At the end of 2023, the second instance of the Inner Mongolia High Court ruled to reject the appeal and maintain the original judgment.

Interface News Reporter | Liu Haichuan