(Hong Kong/Beijing Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong media reported that Hu Haifeng, the son of Hu Jintao, former general secretary of the Communist Party of China, Hu Haifeng, the secretary of the Zhejiang Lishui Municipal Party Committee, returned to Beijing and was promoted to the deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, but whether the news was still to be observed.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Hu Haifeng, 51, has served as the president of Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute and Deputy Secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee. In March 2016, he served as the mayor of Jiaxing.The youngest prefecture -level city secretary.

It is reported that Hu Haifeng has been in the main department level for more than ten years, and it has the experience of local party and government. It is not surprising to return to Beijing Gao Sheng.

However, the news that Hu Haifeng was promoted to the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Standing Committee, and the Mayor of Dalian in the event of it. Whether this news is true is still to be observed.

Hu Haifeng was first elected as a representative of the National People's Congress of China in 2018.When he attended the two sessions in 2019, he refused to respond to rumors about promotion.

Hu Haifeng has been in power for six years.Lishui is located in the southwestern part of Zhejiang Province and borders Fujian Province. It is the largest prefecture -level city in Zhejiang and jurisdiction over Qingtian and other counties. However, the population is only 2.68 million, and the economy is less developed.

Hu Haifeng once said that in Lishui's work, he was particularly fulfilled, and said that the focus of the future work was to "transform the value of ecological products".