On the afternoon of January 1, local time, an earthquake occurred in the canas Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.A well -known TV show host subsequently published video comments on social media, calling this earthquake "retribution."

The host's remarks quickly caused controversy.Some people criticize that in the face of earthquake disasters that cause casualties and property losses, they should not be called "retribution" anyway.However, it is worth noting that there are not a few netizens who support "retribution".Many netizens mentioned the incident of nuclear pollution water in Fukushima in Japan in the debate and other online speeches. They believed that an earthquake occurred after the implementation of nuclear pollution water, which was a kind of "heaven reincarnation, uncomfortable retribution."

In international exchanges, the difference between some subjective and optional decisions, behaviors and objective, and irresistible natural disasters of foreign governments should become a basic national literacy.

On the question of how to deal with Fukushima nuclear pollution water, the Japanese government has sufficient subjectivity and energy.For a long time, the legitimacy, legality, and security of the Fukushima nuclear pollution water discharge plan have been continuously questioned by the international community.The strong opposition and doubts of the South Pacific island country and the international community.The Chinese government also expressed its resolute opposition and strong condemnation, and proposed to the Japanese side with a serious negotiation, asking the Japanese side to stop this wrong behavior.

Different decisions and behaviors of the Japanese government, an earthquake that occurs in Japan is a natural disaster. It cannot predict, it cannot be predicted, and it cannot be avoided.The occurrence of natural disasters is not transferred by people's will. In the face of natural disasters, human society, as a whole, is passive innocent and victims.Not long ago, a earthquake disaster also occurred in Jishishan County, Gansu, my country, causing more serious casualties and property losses. Some compatriots are still suffering from the suffering caused by the earthquake.Faced with these similar natural disasters, human society should be more soberly aware of the community of destiny, enhance the empathy of each other, and then span the gap between language, culture, national borders and races, watch each other, and help each other.

In addition, for some unfriendly behaviors and remarks of foreign governments and politicians, it should not be allowed to overflow into the field of Chinese and foreign civil society, harming the traditional friendship between Chinese and foreign people.Tastest geopolitics and complex real interests may promote some unwavering behaviors from time to time from time to time to promote governments and politicians in some countries and make some presence.We should have clearly opposed and resisted for foreign governments and politicians that harm our interests and harm the feelings of the people of our country.However, between governments and politicians and politicians who do not friendly words and deeds, and friendly exchanges between Chinese and foreign people, and society, should not blur the line and confuse responsibility.

Sino -Japanese society, Chinese and Japanese people have long -term history of exchanges and solid traditional friendship. Faced with natural disasters and disease epidemics, there have always been good support for each other.During our country's anti -new crown pneumonia's epidemic, some social organizations, chambers of commerce, corporate and civilian friendly people raised materials and support China.They also carefully selected the poems and written on the outer packaging of the supplies."The mountains and rivers are exotic, the windy moon is the same day", "how does it say that there is no clothing, with the same clothes", "A green mountains, the same Yunyu, the Mingyue is the two townships" ... These affectionate and touching verses bring the Chinese people in the epidemic.Warm and powerful power has become a good story of China -Japan folk friendship.After the earthquake in the region, some local TV programs considering that there may be Chinese tourists who do not understand Japanese. The host deliberately took out the printed Chinese character card and told Chinese tourists how to avoid refuge.These moving goodwill and kindness should arouse similar response in Chinese folk society.

The diplomatic relations between the country lies in the blindness of the people, and the history and reality have repeatedly proved that the friendly exchanges, exchanges and cooperation between the people of different countries and the society is an important foundation and source of the power of good international relations.improve.In 1971, the "Ping Pong Diplomacy" broke the historical ice between China and the United States.In 1973, the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra opened the "Ice Journey" of Sino -American Art and conducted a historic first visit to China."Music diplomacy" continues "ping -pong diplomacy", to release goodwill and condense consensus by promoting the friendly exchanges between the two countries, and to condense consensus, and create a friendly atmosphere for the cooperation between the two countries.It has played an active role in promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Winnate knows the new. When we face a natural disaster in the neighboring state today, these historical experience should provide useful inspiration.

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