Feng Shixin, director of the Publishing Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China, reportedly reported that the Chinese game stocks continued to rise last week.

Reuters on Tuesday (January 2) quoted five sources revealed that Feng Shixin had been dismissed last week and was exempted from the National Press and Publication Office of the Bureau's supervision of the State Press and Publication Office of the Bureau last month.

On Wednesday (January 3), Dasheng's daily limit, Aofei Entertainment, Kaiying Network, Shengtian Network, Baotong Technology and other rising stocks.The game ETF rose 2.6%, and the turnover exceeded 70 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 13.07 million).The net inflow of nearly 10 days exceeded 340 million yuan.

The National Press and Publication Administration of China released a draft online game management measures on December 22 last year to publicly solicit opinions from the society to curb the phenomenon of inducing consumption. It is required that online games must not set up daily login, first recharge, and the first recharge, and the first recharge.Continuous recharge and other inductive rewards.

After the news was released, many game stocks, including Netease and Tencent, plummeted.As a Chinese online game giant, Netease's decline was approaching 30%, setting a record of decline in the largest market.

Faced with the shocks of game stocks and the tsunami of public opinion, the relevant person in charge of the State Press and Publication Department stated the next day in the draft that the publisher will carefully study the opinions of all parties and make further modification and improvement of the draft on the basis of this.Essence

The National Press and Publication Agency issued a newly approved 105 domestic game version number on December 25. This is the first time since the version number distribution has been issued for the first time.

After the official release of positive signals, Chinese game stocks showed signs of recovery at the end of last year.

Reuters quoted the founder of the Beijing Third -Party Research Institution Consulting, the founder of Lens Consulting, as analyzed, "the purpose of avoiding Feng Shixin is to release goodwill to the public and show that China has a confidence in all walks of life."

Ji Yuqing predicts that the proposed draft online game management draft will not be implemented in the short term.