(Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen/Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Feng Shixin, Director of the Publishing Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, came out of the Chinese game sector.Over 3%.

On Wednesday (January 3) in the Chinese game sector, the market continued to rise last week.Among them, the highest increase in Aofei Entertainment reached 7.85%, Kaiying's network rose 6.56%, and Shengtian network rose 6.1%.

Dasheng's daily limit, this is also the third daily limit recorded within the five trading days of the game stock, with a cumulative increase of 31.43%and a market value of 4.118 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 780 million).

After the game ETF rose on Wednesday, the turnover exceeded 70 million yuan, and the net inflow of nearly 10 days exceeded 340 million yuan.

Comprehensive Reuters, Bloomberg and Nanhua Morning Post reported that people familiar with the matter said that Feng Shixin was removed from office last week..sg/News/China/Story20231222-1457794 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Announce the draft of online game management measures .

Report quoting the founder of the Beijing Third -Party Research Institution of Lens Consulting, Guan Yuqing analyzed that Feng Shixin was eliminated to release goodwill to the public and show that China has a confidence in all walks of life.

Yuqing predicts that

Another unnamed source said that Feng Shixin was removed from office and could have a rebound in the market's confidence in Tencent and NetEase.

Last Friday, the Chinese online game giant, Tencent and Netease, which had a plummeted Chinese online game last Friday, have maintained a rise on Wednesday after a strong rebound on Tuesday. As of the day, the closes rose by about 1.35%and 1%, respectively.

However, it is reported that this may not be enough to reverse. The market is not allowed to regulate the regulatory agency's supervision of the science and technology industry, and Uncertain Easy Emotions .

The National Press and Publication Administration of China released a draft of online game management methods on December 22 last year, requiring online games to not set up inductive rewards such as daily login, first recharge, and continuous recharge, triggering game stocks and tsunami tsunami.

The relevant person in charge of the National Press and Publication Department stated the next day that they will carefully study the opinions of all parties and make further modifications and improvement on the draft on the basis of this.The Publishing Department also approved 105 domestic game version number last Monday (25th), which broke the number for the first time for a single approval. It was regarded by the outside world as an attempt to slow the damage caused by the draft online games to the market.