In response to reports that the school has removed Lu Xun's work, Hong Kong Education Director Cai Ruolian said that the relevant statement is news hype.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the 14th Lu Xun Youth Literature Award Hong Kong Division Awards Ceremony was held on Saturday (October 28) at the Cultural Museum of the Palace Museum in Hong Kong.In his speech, Cai Ruolian said that some Hong Kong media said that the school removed Lu Xun's work. The relevant statement was "a news hype that is absolutely not available." The government has always encouraged the spirit of Lu Xun.

Cai Ruolian said, as we all know, Lu Youth Award is named after Mr. Lu Xun. Lu Xun is the giant of the Chinese literary world.The younger generation inherits and develops.

Cai Ruolian said that the Lu Youth Award adhering to the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun and inherited herself with language and words.This year's conference also specially set up non -native tongue groups to encourage non -Chinese students and young people to learn Chinese, and to enhance the ability and interest of Chinese learning by participating in competitions.

Many Hong Kong media have quoted Lu Zhigang, the founding chairman of the "Quality Library Network" of the Hong Kong academic organization in May this year, said that some schools reported that the Hong Kong Education Bureau personnel said that Lu Xun's book "encourages students to go to the streets",Should not appear in the school library.