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Li Keqiang died after seven months after his steps down.

Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang died at the age of 68.

The official Xinhua News Agency and China CCTV reported that Li Keqiang had a heart attack in Shanghai on Thursday (October 26) in Shanghai. After full rescue, it was invalid. On Friday (27th), Beijing time 00:10) Life.

It is reported that he was resting in Shanghai before his death.

Li Keqiang, a native of Dingyuan, Anhui, was born in July 1955, joined the Communist Party of China in 1976. In 1977, it was the first batch of students in Peking University in the college entrance examination after the Cultural Revolution.

He served as the secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Youth League, the governor of Henan Province, and the secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 2007, he served as the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

During the two sessions of China in March this year, Li Keqiang published the last government work report during his tenure, and his farewell speech was only one hour.

Li Keqiang's position is taken over by Li Qiang

Further Reading: Li Keqiang's Last Work Report: China ’s GDP growth target in 2023 5%The lowest of nearly 30 years

In the government work report, Li Keqiang pointed out that the main expected goal of this year's development is: about 5%of the GDP; about 12 million new employment in cities and towns, about 5.5%of urban survey unemployment rates; residents' consumer prices rose about 3%.

The growth rate of 5%was the lowest number since China began to set the target of economic growth in 1994.However, in the first year of the new crown epidemic, in 2020, China did not set the GDP growth target. In the end, China's economic growth rate was 2.2%.

Considering that China achieved only 3%economic growth in 2022, and the target of economic growth in 2023 was to calculate the lower base last year.Therefore, there are opinions that the goal is more conservative.

In fact, at the two sessions of last year, when China set a target of 5.5%, some economists also said that it was too conservative, because China achieved a high growth of 8.1%in the recovery of 2021.However, the blocking and zero -zero policy and the changes in the external environment have brought a huge impact on the Chinese economy. Last year, China ’s GDP increased was only 3%, and it did not reach the expected goal.

Li Keqiang also expressed his judgment on the current situation in the report.He mentioned that China's domestic economic growth is still consolidating, and insufficient demand is still highly contradictions. Civil investment and private enterprises have unstable expectations. Small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households have many difficulties.The fiscal revenue and expenditure contradictions are large.

In this regard, the Chinese Center Director of the World Federation of Consulting Composition (The Conference Board (The Conference Board), the Chinese Center Director of the Chinese Economic Consultation, commented on Alfredo Montufar-Helu, a higher settings.The growth goal will require large -scale stimulus measures and exacerbate the problem of structural imbalances that China strives to handle its long -term development goals.

He said that the lower goal is easier to achieve, and it reflects that the Chinese economy should be going against the wind this year.