According to the website of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., on October 14, Liu Zhenfang, chairman and party secretary of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., presided over the party group meeting.Guo Zhuxue, the general manager, deputy secretary of the party group, Qian Ming, deputy secretary of the party group, Wang Tongjun, deputy general manager and member of the party group, Yang Provincial, chief accountant and party group member Yang Province, deputy general manager Song Xiude, Wang Jinxi attended the meeting.

The above news shows that Wang Jinxi has served as deputy general manager of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. and a member of the party group.

Public information shows that Wang Jinxi, male, Han nationality, born in February 1968, was born in Puyang, Henan, graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University, and members of the Communist Party of China.

Wang Jinxi (Data Map Source: People's Daily Online)

Wang Jinxi used to be the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd., and the party committee secretary and chairman of the China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

He is a representative of the 13th National People's Congress.

According to the official website, China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "China Railway") is a wholly state -owned company managed by the State Council, established by the State Council, established by the People's Republic of China, and managed by the central government.With the approval of the State Council, the company is a state -authorized investment institution and a state holding company.The company's registered capital was 1739.5 billion yuan, and the Ministry of Finance performed the duties of investors on behalf of the State Council.

China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. takes railway passenger and freight transportation as its main business and implements diversified operations.Responsible for the unified scheduling and command of railway transportation, coordinate the allocation of road network capacity allocation, undertake public welfare transportation tasks stipulated by the state, and be responsible for the clearing of the transportation income of the railway industry and the management of income in income.