South Korea ’s Military Sunday (January 7) said that North Korea is conducting real bombs on its west coast. This is the third consecutive day of North Korea to hold a military exercise near the Sea Border of South Korea and North Korea.

Comprehensive Yonhap News Agency and Agence France -Presse reports, the South Korean military said that North Korea fired more than 90 artillery shells on Sunday from 4 pm to 5 pm (Singapore time to 4:00).

"We issued severe warnings that North Korea repeatedly shells in the prohibition of hostile action areas, pose a threat to the peacefulness of the Korean Peninsula, exacerbate tensions, and strongly urge to stop immediately."

The North Korean military said that 88 artillery has been launched for "sea -firing training", but the exercise has nothing to do with the "direction" of the maritime border.In a statement, the DPRK said that the exercise "did not constitute any intentional threat to South Korea, which is part of our army's normal training system."

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the Korean artillery shells did not fall south of the northern boundary line in the western waters. The South Korean side did not suffer losses, and the military did not plan to conduct shooting.

Earlier, North Korea launched artillery shells in the same area near Yanping Island and Bai Yan near Yanping Island and Bai Yan, but the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong -un Gold and Zhengdang F launched a shell on Saturday , saying that the North Korean Army only detonated the explosive of the sound of simulated coastil artillery and laughed at the Korean side.Easily "hook".

Zhao Hanyan, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Unification of South Korea, told AFP that North Korea has "transitioned to the military confrontation stage."

"North Korea will not make obvious provocation like the previous shelling of Yanping Island, but it will continue to exacerbate military tensions and try to blame South Korea at the same time."

Last year, Kim Jong-un will put North Korea Status After several missiles, the relationship between Han and North Korea was one of the lowest points in decades.

At the year-end conference in Pyongyang, threatened to launch against South KoreaNuclear attacks and called for a military arsenal in North Korea before the armed conflict "erupted at any time."

Park Yuankun, a professor at Lihua University, said: "In the long run, they tried to make tensions by pressure to South Korea, and eventually occupied the upper hand in the process of negotiating with the United States, and at the same time show their sense of presence."