(Washington Composite Electric) US Secretary of Commerce Raymond said that the United States will continue to export semiconductors to China, but it will not sell China for the most advanced chip for military use.Raymond said that her trip to China has achieved "great progress", but unless Beijing takes action in improving the regulatory environment, China and the United States "cannot establish trust" between China and the United States.

The four-day visit to China last Wednesday (August 30).She said on Sunday (September 3) in an interview with the United States CNN program that she stated that she did not want to be completely decoupled with China in the semiconductor and chip field during the semiconductor and chip.She said: "We export billions of dollars to China each year, which is good for the US economy and American companies. We will continue to do so. HoweverAdvanced and the most powerful semiconductor, we will not compromise in this regard. "

Sino -US trade disputes in the semiconductor field are a major obstacle to improving relations between the two countries.Last fall, the Bayeng government introduced a series of export control measures, Whenever chip manufacturing equipment .China is from this year Implement export restrictions.

Raymond is the first US Minister of Commerce, who visited China in five years. The focus of this trip is to make public dialogue with China when maintaining a tough stand on China.

Talking and communication is not to show weakness to reiterate that the standpoint of the United States is still tough

In response to Republicans criticized her to visit China, they showed their weakness to China, and Raymond told CNN: "We know that non -dialogue will lead to upgrading, misjudgment and misunderstandings of the situation, which is not good for the American people, American workers and US national security.I don't think conversation and communication are weak performances. "

She reiterated that the Ministry of Commerce's position on China is still tough.She said: "There are many tools in our toolbox ... export control, foreign investment review, tariffs, anti -subsidy tax. We do have so -called sticks, and we are ready to be prepared, willing to use them when necessary."

She emphasized that the establishment of a stable and important business relationship between China and the United States is not only beneficial to the two countries, but also in line with global interests.

Raymond has been evaluated during an interview with the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) on Sunday, and her trip to China has made great progress.But when asked whether to trust Chinese officials, she said, "We must see (China adopt) action. Before that, (China and the United States) could not establish trust."

U.S. companies faced challenges such as fine assault operations and new anti -spy laws

Raymond mentioned when visiting China that American companies hope to establish a good relationship between China and the United States, and although the Chinese government has taken some positive actions, the actual situation still needs to be improved.She pointed out that the new challenges faced by American companies include unreasonable huge fines, assault operations on companies, and revised anti -spy laws.

Raymond Duo told CBS: "I clearly tell the Chinese side ... American companies are inLost patience . They need and should obtain predictable environment and fair competition fields. I hope that China will pay attention to this information so that China and the United States can establish a stable development of business relations. "

Raymond Doro also mentioned to Chinese officials that his Email was suspected of Chinese hackers.Invasion .She told CNN: "They expressed their unknown and said it was not a deliberate attack. But I think it is important to spread things out. Let them know that when you do such behavior, it will be difficult for us to build trust."/P>