(Bangalore Comprehensive Electric) Indian lunar probe "Monthly Ship 3" successfully landed, becoming the first country to land in Antarctica in the moon, and after the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union, the fourth controlled moon landing on the moon landings country.

The "CHANDRAYAAN-3" detector with 3900 kg of 3900 kg (CHANDRAYAAN-3) on Wednesday (August 23) at 6:04 pm (Singapore time 8:34 pm) was rarely explored in the moon in the moonThe surface of the Antarctic Antarctic is soft landing, and the "Vikram" (Sanskrit meaning of the heroic) lander planned by the detector is planned to send a lunar exploration car to conduct exploration tasks in the next two weeks and transmit data to the earth.

This is the third time that India has launched a detector on the moon ascending project since 2008. It is also an effective attempt for extreme compression costs. The cost of "Moon 3" is only $ 74.6 million (about S $ 100 million), Far lower than other countries.

Experts point out that because India has a large number of high -skills and low -cost engineers, India can achieve low -cost operation through replication and transformation.

The Indian Prime Minister Modi, who is attending the BRICS Summit in South Africa, faces a speech in the country with a smile.He said that the success of India's moon landing mission was "a victory across the national borders."

The mission of the moon landing is considered an important milestone for India to become a powerful space. The Indian government hopes to stimulate private enterprises' investment in the space field and related satellite business.

In 2008, India successfully launched the first monthly probe "Monthly Ship 1", which obtained a large number of image and detection data, but the "Monthly Ship 1", which was originally planned to run for two years, lost contact in August 2009.In July 2019, India launched the "Monthly Boat 2" detector, but the lander tried to lose contact with the ground when the lander tried to land softly. It was generally suspected that the "Moon Ship 2" had crashed on the surface of the moon.

India's latest task this time, a few days before the debut, Russia's first lunar mission in the past 50 years was also planned to land near the moon in Antarctica of the moon, but crashed when it was close to the target on August 20.The United States and China are planning to land on the Moon Antarctic task.