CHANDRAYAAN-3 (CHANDRAYAAN-3) has successfully landed near the Moon Antarctica, becoming the first country in the world to complete this feat.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) announced on Wednesday (August 23) that "the" Moon Ship No. 3 "has successfully landed on the moon."

Unmanned "Monthly Boat No. 3" on Wednesday, India time at 6:04 in the evening (Singapore 8:34 pm).Celebrate and applause warmly.

The Indian Astronum Agency at On July 14, the above-mentioned monthly ship , and on July 14th,, the monthly ship ,, July 14, the monthly ship ,, on July 14th, the monthly ship ,,, July 14, the monthly ship ,, July 14, the monthly ship ,, July 14, the monthly ship ,, on July 14, the monthly ship , and the above monthly ship .Lift off from the main space centers of Andela, southern India.

Now its landing moon, a solar roasting car will explore the moon surface and transmit data to the earth within its two -week life.

India's last lunar landing plan in 2019 ended in failure. A few days before the latest task, the first lunar mission in Russia in the past 50 years also planned to log in near the Moon AntarcticCracked.

Indian Prime Minister Modi said during the meeting of the BRICS Summit that day: "At this joyful moment, I want to tell the people of the world ... India's lunar mission is not only a matter of India. This timeSuccess belongs to all human beings. "