Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tian Wenxiong said that the nuclear treatment water of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant can start the sea on Thursday (August 24).Japanese fishermen groups have not changed their positions. The most worried that they are most worried about handling water leaving radioactive substances in water will have a negative impact on fisheries.In order to appease the opposition, Kishida stated to them that they would permanently take responsibility for this emission.

Kishida's first thing to return to China was to go to the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station to inspect the preparations of the Pai Sea after the end of the US -Japan -Korea and South Korea summit in Washington.On the 21st, officials such as Kanada and Minister of Economy and Industry Nishimura Kangya, and representatives of the President of the Federation of the National Fisheries Association of Japan interviewed in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Kishida said that the government will hold a meeting of relevant ministers on Tuesday (August 22) to determine the specific schedule of Fukushima nuclear treatment water, as soon as Thursday (24th) to line up the sea.

At the dialogue with fishery leaders, Kishida requested the understanding of fishery groups.He said: "We can understand the views of fisheries who want to continue fishing for fishing as before. The government has the decision to row the sea. In addition to allowing the plan safety to advance, we will also bear all responsibilities.In ten years, we will continue to take measures to ensure that fishermen can maintain their livelihood with peace of mind. "

Asahi Shimbun reported that Dongdian and fishery groups have been negotiating compensation.The day before, Kanada and Tokyo Electric Power executives held talks. In addition to requiring Dongdian to continue to provide information that is easy to understand, we must also carefully discuss the impact of the Haihai on the reputation of the local seafood and give appropriate compensation.

However, fishery groups have not opposed because Kishida came forward.Sakamoto Yaxin said: "We have not changed their stances. Even if we can understand the scientific security emphasized by the official, this is different from the peace of mind in society. Even if it is scientifically safe, it does not mean that consumption can eliminate consumption.The restlessness of the person. "

The impact on neighboring countries is more impact than Euki Sino -Russia required to deal with water vapor discharge to the atmosphere

Japan's rowing plan has triggered opposition at home and abroad.Nikkei reported that China and Russia not only protested, but also submitted a list containing 20 issues in July to force Japan to abandon the rowing plan.

China -Russia jointly requires the Japanese government to consider discharging water vapor into the atmosphere, and believes that the impact of steam emissions on neighboring countries is less than marine emissions.It is reported that China and Russia also made this request to the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Water vapor discharge is a processing water evaporation that contains radioactive pupa and discharge into the atmosphere.This method has also been considered within the Japanese government earlier, but it was later announced that "monitoring radioactive substances in the atmosphere than monitoring radioactive substances in the ocean" as a reason.

The Nikkei reported that the Japanese government believed that the Japanese government finally decided to discharge sea based on cost.

Fukushima nuclear waste water is stored in about 1,000 storage tanks, which is equivalent to about 500 Olympic swimming pools. It will reach the upper limit of storage next year, forcing the Japanese government to find permanent solutions.