(Sydney Composite Electric) Australia announced that it has purchased more than 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States.

Australian Minister of Defense Marc issued a statement on Monday (August 21) that Australia will spend 1.3 billion Australian dollars (about $ 1.131 million) to purchase more than 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Mars says that Tomahawk cruise missiles are one of the "powerful and technical advanced" weapons, which will make Australia a third country with Tomahawk cruise missiles after the United States and Britain.The United States and Britain currently have a large number of Tomahawk missiles.

Mars said: "We are investing in the ability of the army to keep opponents away from the Australian coastline and ensure the security of the Australian people in the complicated and uncertain world today."

The United States approved a Tomahawk cruise missile in Australia in March this year.Mars said that the missiles will be deployed on the Hobart destroyer of the Royal Navy in Australia.

Australia said that because China is undergoing the largest military reserve construction since the end of World War II, Australia must strengthen the new situation of national defense forces.

Earlier this year, Australia agreed to cooperate with the United States and Britain to establish a nuclear -driven submarine fleet.It is known that Tomahawk cruise missiles will eventually be deployed in Australia's newly purchased nuclear -driven submarines under Australian Security Partnership (AUKUS).

In addition to Tomahawk cruise missiles, the Australian government also announced on Monday that it will spend $ 431 million to purchase more than 60 advanced anti -radiation -guided missiles from the United States, and to purchase US -system remote anti -tank guidance missiles for more than $ 50 million.

Australia announced a series of national defense reforms in April this year, including the development of long -range precision strike capabilities, domestic production weapons, and deepening relationships with partners in the Pacific India.In recent years, the U.S. Army has traveled hypersonic cruise missiles in the weapon test field testing field in remote areas in southern Australia.

The Australian National Defense Industry Minister Conlaoy said: "As we enter the so -called missile era, these weapons will become an important tool for the Australian National Defense Forces to perform the responsibilities of the security of the country."

Washington recently announced that it will assist Australia to establish its own missile manufacturing industry to support the supply chain that interrupted due to the Russian and Ukraine War.Conlaoy said that Australia now buys these weapons to show military strength faster."We also consider creating missile options in China, because it is also important to establish our own national defense production capacity."