(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden is about to announce an administrative order restricted to China. According to Bloomberg reporters, the restrictions may only be aimed at at least half of the revenue from quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI).Chinese companies in advanced technology industries.

This means that the most affected by restrictions will be the early Chinese startups.US private equity funds and venture capital companies can still invest in Alibaba and Tencent, which have AI departments, but most of their income comes from other Chinese companies with other channels.

will be prohibited from investing in military as users as users

One of the sources said that the administrative order will prohibit investment in AI technology with military as the end user. Other AI investment will not be banned, but the government needs to be notified.It is expected that some quantum computing activities, such as key encryption and sensing, and specific ultra -advanced semiconductors will also be included in the scope of prohibition.

It is reported that because the government intends to listen to the industry's opinions first, this restriction will take about one year to take effect; the order is not traceable, and the investment made before the effect is not limited.

The White House did not comment on this report, while the US Department of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance did not immediately reply to the evaluation request.

According to a report from Reuters, the White House planned to announce the administrative order on Wednesday (August 9).This is one of the measures that the Biden government restricts China's US technology and funds. The United States is concerned that China will use these technologies and funds to develop technology that may support China's military modernization and threaten US national security.

At the same time, Biden is also committed to improving relations with China.U.S. officials have repeatedly emphasized that any investment restrictions on China will be targeted without forming the so -called "technical enclosure".

However, the New York Times pointed out that the new administrative order in the United States will undoubtedly irritate Beijing and may start a new front in the Sino -US trade war.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning stated last month that China opposed "political and trade issues politicized and weapons."

In the United States, investment restrictions on China are also controversial issues.Republicans criticize the government's movement too slowly and not strong enough; others are worried that the US economy will be affected.

Zhu Huai'an, a senior analyst at Jane Information Group, pointed out that communication and implementation of this administrative order will be difficult, and US officials must closely contact Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

The two -party members said that China's honeycomb network module or safety risk of deposit

On the other hand, the Republican Republic of the United States and the Democratic Republic of the Democratic Party Crichanamul sent a letter to the United States Federal Communications Council (FCC) on Tuesday (8th) to move far communication, Guanghe Tong and other China.The honeycomb network module produced by the enterprise may have concerns about security risks.

Garrat and Crisanamuer are chairman and senior member of the House of China Special Committee, respectively.The two said that if the US medical equipment, vehicles and agricultural equipment use Chinese honeycomb modules, China will be able to access and control these equipment remotely.

Cellular Modules is a component that enables IoT devices to connect to the Internet.The letter wrote: "If China can control the module, it may effectively steal data or close the Internet of Things device. Key infrastructure and any sensitive data are particularly worrying."

FCC responded that the official attaches great importance to the security of US networks and equipment and will carefully discuss the issues raised in the letter.