Ukrainian President Zeleiski said that the US and German air defense systems are assisting Ukraine to achieve "major results", although Russia's waves of air strikes are targeted at civilians and residential buildings.Russia shot down a drone flying to Moscow, which is the third time in a week.At the same time, officials of both parties confirmed that Ukraine hit two bridges connecting Ukraine port cities and Crimea.

Reuters reported that Chief Crimea said that Ukraine attacked and destroyed the Joanhar highway bridge connecting Ukraine Hermuson and CrimeaHenichesk and a smaller bridge on the northeast coast of Crimea were also shot by Henichesk and the northeast coast of Crimea, causing a civilian injury.

There are three highways connected to Ukraine in the Ukraine Krimian Peninsula, which were annexed by Russia in 2014.

The Chief Executive of the Crimea region, Akxinov, appointed by Moscow, said on Telegram: "The enemy launched a missile attack on the Johar Bridge area in northern Crimea. Some missiles were hit by our air defense system.Middle. "

He said that due to the damage to the road, local traffic diversions, maintenance work has begun.

Zelei Sky said in a video speech on Sunday evening that advanced air defense systems include American Patriot missiles and German air defense system IRIS-T, which confirmed that it is "very effective" and "has achieved major results for us."" ".

Zelenezki said that black shot down 178 drones for a week

He pointed out that in the past week, the Ukraine successfully shot down a large number of Russian air strikes, including 65 missiles and 178 attack drones, 87 of which were Iranian "Shahed" drones.

The Ukrainian military said on the same day that Russia launched 30 missiles and 48 air strikes. "Unfortunately, there are civilian casualties. Residential buildings and other civil infrastructure have been destroyed."

Moscow Voukovo Airport suspended flights to take off and land on Sunday for unknown reasons that cannot be controlled.Moscow Mayor Sobiyanin said a drone was shot down south of the capital.

In addition, the Ukrainian Peace Summit, which represents representatives of more than 40 countries such as China, the United States, and India, ended in Gada, the second largest city in Saudi Arabia on Sunday.According to the closing statement issued by Saudi Arabia, the participants agreed that the importance of continuing to negotiate to pave the peace road.

The director of the Ukrainian President's Office, Yeermak, said that the summit has made progress and has been effective to promote peaceful solutions; Russia, who did not attend the summit, said that Western tried to mobilize Southern countries in Southern countries to support Zellezki.