(Kiev / Moscow Composite Electric) Ukraine Sunday (August 6) said that Russia launched several waves of attacks on Ukraine at night.Russia said that Ukraine drones tried to attack Moscow on the same day, but did not succeed.

Ukrainian Air Force said that the Russian army launched 40 cruise missiles and 27 Iranian attack drones on Saturday (5th) to Sunday morning, 30 of which and all drones were of the Ukraine.destroy.The Russian army also launched three Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, but the Ukraine did not disclose whether the missiles were shot down.

Hermenezki, which is hundreds of kilometers away from the front line, is one of the targets of the air strike.This is located in western Ukraine and is where the Stekkkostani Air Force Base is located.

Deputy Governor of Hermenzki said that a series of explosions occurred in the city of Sparcostani and Hermenzki, and several houses, a public cultural institution and a bus station were damaged.A fire occurred in a granary, causing a employee to be injured.

One day before, Ukraine pointed out that Russia used a guided bomb to attack a blood transfusion center in Kupanusk, Halkov, Northeast, causing death.President Ukradisky scolded this as "war crime".He said that earlier Saturday, the factory building of Motor Sichic, Motor Sichic, Zipolo, was also attacked by missiles.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed on Sunday that the Russian army attacked the military bases of Ushmelinzki and Roveno, and hit all goals.

According to Moscow Mayor Sobyaning, the Russian air defense forces destroyed an Ukraine drone flying to Moscow on Sunday morning on Potolisk in Moscow.In Buliangsk, Russia, which borders Ukraine, the Russian air defense system also destroyed two drones.

Donetsk officials said that the Ukraine's bundle bombs attacked local universities

Russia's appointed officials in Untonton, officials claimed that the Ukraine used a bundle bomb on Saturday to attack a local university, causing a building in the school to fire. Fortunately, no one in the building was when the incident happened.

The Russian Ministry of Defense emerged an urgent Soviet-30 fighter on the same day to "prevent an MQ-9 Death Army in the Black Sea invading the Russian border over the Black Sea."It is reported that when the U.S. drone is approaching the direction when the Russian fighter is approaching, away from the Russian border.

According to AFP quoted by sources from Ukraine Security Forces, Ukraine uses water unmanned boats and explosives on the Red Strait on Saturday to attack a tanker transported by the Russian army.The attack of the ship.This incident did not cause casualties.

On the other hand, the Soviet sickle hammering national emblem on Kiev's "Mother of the Motherland" Monument Shield has replaced the trident on the Ukrainian national emblem.Ukrainian officials also plans to rename the monument to "Ukraine Mother".

Ukraine adopted a series of "going to Russia" measures after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.A poll last year showed that 85%of Ukraine supported the dismantling of this sickle hammer header.According to media reports, the demolition project is paid by private donations and sponsorship.