(Washington Composite Electric) American companies have accelerated their dependence on China's supply chain.According to official data from the United States, in the first five months of this year, from China's imports plummeted 24 %, Mexico has replaced China in the first four months of this year to become the largest trading partner of the United States.

The Washington Post quotes the digital reports of the US Census Agency that many large US companies, including HP, Stanley Black Decker and Lego, have been adjusting the supply chain for the US consumer market in recent years.In order to avoid the risks brought about by competition between superpowers, it is also based on a longer -term business strategy, that is, consumer goods are produced in a place closer to consumers.

The data from the Oxford Economic Research Institute pointed out that Americans are currently spent in the expenditure of imported products, and one dollar is used for purchasing Chinese products for each $ six; before the outbreak of the crown disease, this ratio is one dollars per US $ four dollars per dollar.Blossom in this regard.Japan is also reducing imports from China. European countries such as Germany and France have basically not changed much.

Politics and economic factors drive the global supply chain adjustment position by China.

In terms of investment, there are fewer and fewer foreign investors who have built factories in China.Data show that in China's uns development areas, the annual investment of the so -called "Greenfield", from 100 billion US dollars (about S $ 134 billion) in 2010 to 50 billion US dollars in 2019, and fell to 180 last year to 180One hundred million U.S. dollars.

At present, Mexico, Vietnam and Thailand are constantly eating China's supply chain alone.Vietnam and Thailand have become the main substitution options for foreign companies to seek diversified supply chain in this area. India also attracted some large manufacturers, such as Apple Interesting Mobile phone .

Reports pointed out that the two major factors of politics and economy are re -adjusted by driving the global supply chain.A few years ago, the Trump administration in the United States implemented import tariffs on the nearly three -pointers Chinese goods, causing a reduction in orders.From the perspective of China itself, the wages of Chinese workers have continued to increase, making it gradually losing the advantages of cheap workers; in addition, Chinese leaders Chinese officials centered on state -owned enterprises, rectifying a large number of private companies, as well as the hardness of the Biden government governmentAttitude, etc., further cool down the business relationship between China and the United States.

The chief economist of the Oxford Economic Research Institute Slyt said that the hostility and confrontation between China and the United States have intensified, "began to affect the decision -making in the private sector because it changed the risk outline."

The U.S. government has always had a positive speech on Sino -US trade. It has repeatedly assured the Chinese government to "de -risks" in the United States only to "de -risk" and transfer key supply chains to domestic or allies, instead of decomposing the economy of both parties to decompose the economy of both sidesEssence U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen Visit China in July also said that the record of China and the United States last year indicates that the two countries show that the two countries showEnterprises still have a lot of room for trade and investment.

However, in fact, the United States has restricted the most cutting -edge semiconductor products exporting to China on the grounds of national security, and it will soon announce the restrictions on the US investment in the field of Chinese technology.Slyt said: "We see the decoupling operation in the United States. The real problem is to what extent will it expand."