The Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi hopes to hold a general election early, and the plan to refresh the term of governance is probably might be soaked.The government promoted digital errors and various scandals in the Liberal Democratic Party that made Kishida facing the biggest crisis since his administration.

The Japanese government plans to integrate the Health insurance card "My Card" to speed upPromote digital reform policies.However, in the process of realizing the electronic government and the popularization of the electronic ID card "I card", it was frequently packed, and the problems such as the wrong account and personal leakage of people's welfare funds were occurred.

poll: the support rate drops to 28%

After Hiroshima Hiroshima held the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit in May, Kishida's original support rate rose sharply.However, the good times did not last long. In the polls in June and July, Kishida's support rate plummeted.This is believed to be related to the work error of the electronic ID card.

According to the polls of the daily news in July, Kishida's support rate has dropped to 28%, which is five percentage points lower than June.Among them, some interviewees criticized the Kishida government's policy of abolishing the health insurance card "too rude" and did not first obtain the understanding of the people.

Hold a press conference to apologize to the whole people

For this reason, Kishida held a press conference on Friday (August 4) to apologize to the people of the country.He said: "Make people feel uneasy and sorry. However, in order to improve efficiency, implementing digitalization is crucial. Officially abolishing the current health insurance card next fall and the unchanged plan of integrating personal ID cards into health guarantees.The error will be tested as soon as possible to make the necessary correction countermeasures. "

However, the Japanese media have questioned, thinking that public apology is also difficult to help Kishida restore public opinion, because in addition to digital policies, the Liberal Democratic Party that belongs to Kishida has recently spread scandals, making Kishida very embarrassing.

Among them, the Liberal Democratic Party member Akimoto Akimoto, who is closely related to Kishida, was suspected of being caught for a wind company, and received black money or 30 million yen (about S $ 283,000).The Special Investigation Department of the Tokyo Local Procuratorate began to verify the relevant personnel of the office on Friday for his bribery.In addition, Kanada's left and right hands, the deputy secretary general of the cabinet, Mu Yuancheng, has also been dug for five consecutive weeks.