The 78th anniversary of the 78th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb in Japan was held on Sunday (August 6) at 8:15 am.In the hot summer, a total of 111 representatives and ambassadors, the survivors of the original explosion and the family members of the victims attended.This year, Japan did not invite Russia and its allies Beros to attend this year, in order to express dissatisfaction with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and issuing "nuclear intimidation".

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Yoshiko criticized Russia to threaten the use of nuclear weapons.He said: "As the only country that has suffered atomic bomb -bombing in the war, Japan will continue to work hard to achieve the nuclear -free world. Nuclear military must not repeat the tragedy caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

Kishida also said: "Based on the international community's divergence on the topic of nuclear disadvantages and Russian nuclear threats, the road to realizing this goal has become more and more difficult. Therefore, the momentum of restoring the international community to realize the nuclear world -free world,It looks particularly important. "

Kishida's remarks echo each other's remarks with the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres, the latter issued a statement saying: "Some countries have issued nuclear threats again and threatened to use these devastating tools. Facing these threats, the international communityIt must be united. Any behavior of using nuclear weapons is unacceptable. Nuclear disarmament is a way to achieve a safe world. "

Analysis pointed out that although Kishida was born in Hiroshima, at the atomic bomb and peaceful commemorative ceremony, he was like previous prime ministers to avoid talking about nuclear weapons treaties.This is because the Japanese -American alliance after the war in Japan has been entrusted to nuclear weapons under the protection of nuclear umbrellas in the United States, and the argument of calling nuclear nuclear is always "contradictory."

When the mayor of Hiroshima Matsumi delivered a speech, he urged Kishida to conclude the prohibition of nuclear weapons treaties that banned the use of nuclear weapons to deter the use of nuclear weapons.He emphasized that Hiroshima people endure the sadness of the past, overcome hatred, and pray for real world peace.

For Hiroshima Vision, a common document of the Hiroshima Summit of the Seven Kingdoms of Hiroshima, still retains the "nuclear deterrence theory" as the foundation of security foundation. Matsui criticized: "We need to face up to the nuclear deterrence theory of failure, and major countries should also have any countries.Specific policies, make specific guidelines for the ideal of the nuclear -free world in order to get rid of the current severe international situation. "

It is reported that although Kishida believes that the Seven Kingdoms Group Summit was brought to Hiroshima and successfully conveyed the injury of the atomic bomb, what made the Japanese recently disappointed that the United States did not take the "historical lesson".Recently, social media in the United States even opened Hiroshima's original jokes. For example, the Uenbonheimer movie that introduced the invented inventor of the atomic bomb in the United States, it even used it to match Barbie doll movies, called "Barbie Hemano"."Barbin, Obonheimer's smile on his face", and a mushroom cloud with the atomic bomb as a new hairstyle of Barbie, which aroused dissatisfaction with Japanese public opinion.