(Washington Composite Electric) The United States plans to improve missiles to strengthen its ability to fight against China in the Pacific Ocean.According to the news, the US Congress and the military hope to adjust the combination of missile fuel components to extend the range of missiles so that the U.S. military can attack more than the Chinese army.

Reuters quoted US officials and members of the parliament that the Pentagon and Congress are studying the improvement of the law, using stronger pushing agents and lighter warheads to extend the range of some existing missiles by 20 %.

The US Congress Senate was discussing a bill last week, planning to allocate at least $ 13 million (about S $ 17.45 million) to develop and manufacture Energetics.High -energy material, this chemical material can be used to promote the range of missiles and can also be used as a warhead explosion material.

According to the bill, the Ministry of National Defense will set up a high -energy material office to report directly to the Deputy Minister of Defense Hicks.In order to accelerate the implementation and avoid the festival, this office will be the three coordination agencies of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.

Analysis believes that this special budget is likely to start a round of weapon and ammunition update in the future.

New high -energy materials or missiles are extended by 20%

Energetics Technology Center, a research institution with technological development proposals for the US government and defense industry, said that new high -energy materials will make a 400 -pound bomb more lethal as a 1000 -pound bomb.The center says that China has synthesized high-energy material CL-20 and applied it to the weapon system.The CL-20 is the fourth-generation "explosive king" in China. Its power is three times that of TNT explosives, with an explosive speed of 9500 meters per second.

It is known that the House of Representatives of the United States has requested the Pentagon to launch a CL-20 pilot plan and replace the explosives or propellars in three existing weapons.

Expert Kavitzki, an expert in High Energy Technology Center, revealed that the candidate's weapon system includes the long -range anti -ship missiles and extended air -to -ground missiles manufactured by Lockheed Martin, the fish fork anti -ship missile produced by Boeing, and LockeHide and RTX's benchmarking gun anti -tank weapons.

Congress said that the Pentagon Building is satisfied with the use of fuel technology in the 1940s

The United States Representative Gragel told Reuters that the distance span in the Indo -Pacific region and the huge scale of the Chinese Navy means that the United States needs more missiles that can reach the distant goals and have the ability to destroy ships.

Garrat said: "Unfortunately, the Pentagon is satisfied with the use of fuel technology in the 1940s, ignoring advanced high-energy technology such as CL-20, and we need these technologies to extend missiles and strengthen lethality. The missiles fly every fly.One foot far away, the American soldiers are one foot far away from the danger. "

The US Congress quoted a research report in 2021 that the Rockets re-configured the driving force with CL-20, and other changes can extend the range by about 20 %.

The weapon expert of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) said that the cost of high -energy fuel investment is not high, which is a meaningful and important strategic deployment.

However, he said that the cost of reinstalizing or using new explosive chemicals in US military inventory weapons may be as high as billions of dollars, and the specific amount depends to a large amount of weapons.