(Bloomberg) German intelligence agencies warned government officials that China was expanding its spy report on Germany, and the CPC Central Committee's foreign liaison played a core role in this.This is a new sign of the relationship between Germany and China once again triggered national security concerns.

The German Federal Constitution Protection Bureau issued a notice on weekends that Chinese leadership has significantly increased their efforts to obtain information information in recent years. China "established a global connection network and continued to expand this network."

It says that the CPC Central Committee has played a core role in terms of intelligence collection, and urges German officials to be vigilant when coming with the contacts of the liaison department.

In contact with the CCP's representatives, it shall be particularly cautious

It says that when German government officials contact representatives of the Communist Party of China, they should "keep particularly cautious and restrained" to avoid any actions that may be regarded as assisting foreign agents to avoid violating German law.

In early July, another report issued by the German government listed China as a country in Germany "engaged in large -scale spy activities", and Russia, Iran, and Turkey were also on the list.

The German Prime Minister's Tshuz government is adjusting the relationship with the Beijing government.The dependence on China, a major trading partner country, , while suppressing Germany's largest enterprises in Germany to control investment risks in China in a controllable range.