to provide expansion to Ukraine with UkraineThe scale of arms and humanitarian assistance.

Yin Xiyue went to Lithuania to attend the NATO Summit a few days ago, and then visited Poland.On Saturday (July 15), he and his wife Jin Jianxi appeared in Kiev, Ukraine.After the Yin Xiyue couple visited the city of Bicchang and Il Ping, who was hit by Kiev, Yin Xiyue and Ukrainian President Zelezki held a summit at the Malinsky Palace.

Yin Xiyue announced at a press conference held after the meeting that after providing non -killing materials such as helmets and bulletproof vests to Ukraine last year, South Korea plans to expand the scale of arms supply this year.

He said: "After the summit talks in May this year, South Korea quickly provided Safety equipment and items such as minesterators to Ukraine. South Korea provided humanitarian assistance from about $ 100 million (about S $ 130 million) last year. This yearIt will also provide Ukraine with $ 150 million. "

In order to help the reconstruction of Uka, the cooperation between the two governments and enterprises of the two countries

In order to help Ukraine rebuild, South Korea and Ukraine will also expand the cooperation between the two governments and enterprises, and use the South Korean government's $ 100 million to quickly discover and promote cooperation projects such as infrastructure construction.

The two countries will also set up a new "Yin Xiyue -Zelei Scholas Scholarship" to help Ukrainian students who are currently studying in South Korea to complete their studies and expand the object of beneficiaries.

Yin Xiyue also mentioned that Ukraine students learned the "Han River Miracle" in the textbook: "I believe it will realize the Miracle of the Denipro River (Ukrainian main river).Can prove this possibility. "

Zelei is grateful to South Korea for their efforts for Ukrainian children to return home.He said: "I also discussed with economic and energy support with President Yin. Thanks to South Korea for the help of maintaining Ukrainian sovereignty and security, as well as humanitarian assistance given."

South Korea is the ninth largest exporter in the world.As an American allies, South Korea provides weapons to Ukraine in the face of huge pressure in the West.

Yin Xiyue has hinted at the beginning of this year that South Korea may re -consider the position of non -lethal weapon assistance.However, analysis generally believes that in consideration of Russia's influence on North Korea, South Korea is more inclined to provide humanitarian assistance and financial support for Ukraine.

South Korea has not previously announced Yin Xiyue's visit to Ukraine.

It is understood that Zelei wrote a letter to invite Yin Xiyue to visit Wuwu, and Yin Xiyue temporarily decided to accept the invitation when he visited Poland.

This is the second meeting after Yin Xiyue and Zeleianzki held a talks during the meeting during the seventh -point group (G7) summit at Hiroshima in May this year.According to reports, when Zelei Sky met with Yin Xiyue for the first time in May, he urged the latter to provide more military assistance to Ukraine.