Russia used a bundle bomb during the Ukrainian war.The picture shows the Ukrainian military in October of last year, a unsteloped bundle bomb discovered in Halkov.(Reuters)

(Washington / Kiev Composite Electric) Anonymous officials in the United States revealed on Thursday that the Bayeng government will announce the as soon as Friday (July 7) to provide a bundle bomb to Ukraine to assist Ukraine against Russia.In this regard, military control and human rights organizations are worried that this may hurt civilians.

U.S. anonymous officials said that the United States' new military aid plan for Ukraine is expected to include a bundle bomb fired by a 155mm howitzer, and the United States has seriously considered at least one week for this matter.

In this regard, the White House said that "actively considering" provides a bundle bomb to Ukraine, but there is no news to announce it.

Ukrainian presidential consultant Podoliak said on Friday that Ukraine welcomes the United States to provide a bundle bomb."There is no doubt that more cannonballs are transferred to Ukraine and will make a great contribution to accelerating the loss of land. Especially the bundle bomb, it will undoubtedly have an extraordinary psychological blow to the abundant Russian occupation forces."

Ukraine has previously lobby US parliament members, calling on them to pressure them to the Biden government to allow the transportation of dual -use improved conventional ammunition (DPICM), that is, a bundle bomb to Ukraine.

A senior official of the Pentagon said last month that the U.S. military believes that the bundle bomb is useful to Ukraine. However, due to the restrictions of Congress and the concerns of the allies, it has not been approved to use such weapons in Kiev.

The total value of this military aid more than 1 billion yuan contains rocket systems and chariots

It is known that the total value of the United States for this military aid is $ 800 million (about S $ 1.08 billion). In addition to the bundle bomb, it also includes Hamas high -mobility multi -tube rocket system, Bradley war vehicle andStuker armored carrier.

There are more than 120 countries in the world forbiding bombs, but the United States, Ukraine and Russia have not signed relevant agreements.

The bundle bomb will release a large number of smaller bombs, which can attack several targets in a large scale and strong lethality.However, unsteady small bombs often pose a threat to civilian life after many years of conflict.

German Defense Minister Pestorius said on Friday that Germany was prohibited from the use of a bundle bomb agreement, so it would not provide a bundle bomb to Ukraine.

The human rights observation organization headquartered in New York calls on Russia and Ukraine to stop using cluster bombs and urge the United States to not provide such weapons.

A law formulated by the United States in 2009 prohibits the US -made bundle bombs with an export failure rate higher than 1 %.Former President Trump abandoned a bundle bomb ban in January 2021, allowing exported bombs to South Korea.Analysis believes that Biden can cancel the ban like Trump.

Underworld promoted more than one kilometer to the Russian army in Unda

In terms of war, the Ukrainian military spokesman Mievati said on Friday that the Ukrainian troops advanced to the Russian position near the Udong front -line city Bachmut near the Bachmomut.

Cievati said in an interview with Ukraine TV stations: "The National Defense Forces continued to master the initiative, put pressure on the enemy, carried out assault operations, and advanced along the north and south wings ... Especially in the past day, they have moved forward more than one kilometer more kilometer."

A spokesman for the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces also said that the Ukraine achieved "local victory" near Klishchiivka, southwest of Bachurut.

Ukraine analysts pointed out that as long as the Clehvka village is controlled, Ukraine can help Ukraine to regain Bach Murut.

It is known that the Russian army still controls Bachmut. Both sides say that the local battle is fierce, and the Ukraine is trying to surround Bachmut.