The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday (July 4) released the comprehensive evaluation report of the "IAEA Safety Standard" in Fukushima nuclear wastewater disposal in Japan.Action of nuclear waste water discharge.

Matsuna Matsuna, Secretary -General of Japan's Cabinet, said at a press conference: "The specific time of the government to start emitting is unchanged in the summer. After obtaining Fukushima nuclear radiation treatment of water to meet the assessment of international standards, the official current officials are currently officially officially official.What must be actively developed is to make countermeasures for related rumors. "

The Ministry of Economic and Industry of Japan held a meeting with local officials of Fukushima County and fishery groups on Wednesday, the Ministry of Economic and Industry, on Wednesday.The official also arranged for the arrival of the IAEA General Director Gross to communicate with Fishermen in Fukushima County to try to alleviate the dissatisfaction of the local fishermen.

The opposition of the fisherman of the nuclear waste water is still loud

It is reported that Fukushima residents, especially fishermen, are still loud to the objections to drain nuclear waste water.The main opposition to Japanese fishery groups is to worry about this that this will affect the reputation of Japanese fishery.

Nonazaki, president of the Japan Fisheries Federation, told Gross: "The Japanese government violates public opinion. We have no choice but to protest."

Gronci said: "Understand this concern." But he also quoted data that wastewater was safe after the processed of Japanese official planned programs.

He said: "As the IAEA report said, this is a common approach, and many parts of the world do it. I have no magic wands to solve people's concerns and doubts at one time, but IAEA will stay in Fukushima, Until the last drop of water discharge. "

Gronci went to the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station on the same day to learn about the dilution of nuclear waste water at the end of last month.He listened to the structure of the huge water tank of the Tokyo Electric Power Company explaining the huge water tank stored in nuclear waste water, as well as the process of mixed dilution of nuclear waste water and seawater through the pipeline into the sea.

South Korea: IAEA Report is "empty shell report"

Although the IAEA report believes that the nuclear waste water that Japan intends to emit it meets international security standards, the South Korean opposition party strongly condemns that it is a "empty shell report" and has not verified the safety of Fukushima nuclear waste water.

South Korea ’s President’ s Office on Wednesday on Wednesday ’s comprehensive IAEA assessment report shows that the South Korean government puts national health and safety first, and will continue to pay attention to the situation of Japanese -party disposal of nuclear wastewater.

South Korean President's Office also said that the South Korean government will continue to pay attention to whether the disposal and monitoring plans proposed by both parties will be implemented in a close cooperation with the IAEA and the Japanese government.At the same time, the South Korean government will increase the local coastal nuclear radiation monitoring stations from the current 92 to 200, which has greatly strengthened the management of marine and aquatic products.

Relevant sources of the Korean government said that the South Korean expert will actively strive for the resident Korean experts in the office set up by IAEA at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station.

However, South Korea ’s largest Democratic Democratic Democratic Party’ s “Fukushima Nuclear Water Water Disposal Stop Countermeasures” issued a statement saying that IAEA ’s“ empty shell report ”did not verify the safety of Fukushima nuclear waste water.The performance verification work of the multi -nuclein removal system (ALPS) has not been carried out. The report only involves discussions and evaluations of monitoring confirmation equipment and dilution equipment.There is no content of sampling analysis of nuclear waste water in the report.

The committee also emphasized that IAEA did not conduct research on violating general security guidelines (GSG), whether nuclear sewage discharge is reasonable, and whether the best solution.In addition, IAEA has not conducted an accident that may occur, and all the contents of the report are based on the premise of "perfection according to the plan".

China: The IAEA report is not the "shield" of the launching the sea

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference on Wednesday that China urged the Japanese to try to report IAEA as a "shield" to start the sea, stop the push of nuclear wastewater programs, and take a responsible manner in a responsible way.Disposal nuclear waste water.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that the IAEA report cannot guarantee the security of the Japanese sea programs.The effectiveness and long -term reliability of the Japanese nuclear waste water purification device have not undergone third -party certification. It does not prove the true accuracy of the nuclear waste water data, nor does it demonstrate the radioactive nuclein in the nuclear waste water through the biological enrichment effect on food safety and human health.Long -term impact.