The South Korean government released a report on the safety research report of the Fukushima nuclear treatment water in Japan, stating that if the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation in Japan complies with the disposal of the emission nuclear treatment water, the concentration of radioactive substances will meet the emission standards and target values, and it also meets international standards.This report is expected to help alleviate the tension between Seoul and Tokyo, but it may trigger concerns about the Korean people.

Since August 2021, under the leadership of the South Korean Atomic Energy Safety Technology Institute (KINS), South Korea has continued to study the safety of Fukushima nuclear treatment water.On Friday (July 7), the South Korean government issued a research report.

The South Korean State Adjustment Room, a South Korean State Adjustment Room, who led the government to deal with the nuclear treatment water working group, held a press conference on the 7th that when the government confirmed that the Japanese party would pollute the water in the sea as planned, the radioactive substance concentration will meet the sealing standards.The concentration of 到 is the target value that is lower than that of this standard, in line with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and some international standards.

The Korean government estimates that after nuclear treatment of water discharge into the sea, it will be shorted for four to five years, and the long time will flow into the Korean waters in 10 years. The simulation results show that the influence of radiation is one -one hundred thousand.In other words, scientifically, related values are of little significance.

The Korean government commented that the core equipment of radioactive substances such as removal of the Alps (ALPS) also purified sewage within the emission standard.In addition, even due to the abnormality of the equipment failure, because there are safety devices, the nuclear treatment water will not immediately discharge the sea.However, in eight types of failure such as corrosion and leakage, four filter defects that have been recognized as purifying radiation can be nuclein. It is recommended that the Japanese party shorten and strengthen the filter check cycle;It affects the evaluation and detects the radiation dose of nearby residents.

The South Korean government said that starting from 2015 after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station accident, the radiation energy concentration of the South Korean waters was investigated, and the results showed similar to 30 years ago.The South Korean government has also increased the surveillance equipment of radiation energy in the South Korean waters to 200.

Fang Wensui said that this is a preliminary conclusion based on the premise that Tokyo Electric Power is processed in accordance with the disposal plan and compliance with relevant regulations.In the future, the emission plan finalized by the Japanese side will be checked, and whether the plan is appropriate and feasible, and then make a final judgment.

IAEA Director of the Director of IAEA will explain the Fukushima Water Safety Report

Groas, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), entered South Korea on the evening of the 7th, and he will explain the safety report of IAEA to the security of Fukushima's Discharge Fukushima.

Gronci revealed in an interview with Reuters that in the international expert team responsible for writing IAEA reports, one or two may have disagreed with the seas that have been treated in the sea.He expressed concerns.

However, Gronci insisted that the report issued by IAEA was scientifically impeccable.He also shows that the IAEA report is not recognized or recommended in Japan's drainage plan, and the final decision must be made by Japan.

He also said that it is known that South Korea is worried about Fukushima nuclear treatment of water.He believes that trust is important. During his visit to South Korea, he will meet with South Korean media and relevant government personnel to explain this problem in detail.