(Tolinho/Karls Cruena Comprehensive Electric) Western diplomats, military experts and security experts revealed that Russia last February invading Ukraine , the situation in Northern Europe has changed.Finland is now to NATO , Sweden also Hope to join as soon as possible. NATO has changed its strategy. It is prepared to use Finland and Sweden infrastructure from the northeast of Europe.Block Russia.

Reuters reports that the railway transformation around Tornio, which is adjacent to the Swedish border, is an example.These projects will be completed next year. By then, NATO will be more likely to send reinforcement forces and equipment from Kemijarvi, Finland.

Kimayervi is a strategic place, only an hour's drive from the Russian border. The Russian nuclear fortress and military base near the Russian Arctic Circle port Murmansk is about seven hours.

Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) data shows that the Russian military bases are stationed in 27 submarines, more than 40 warships, about 80 fighters, and inventory nuclear warheads and missiles.In the military conflict with NATO, the main task of the Northern Fleet is to ensure that the Barents Sea is controlled to transport reinforcements from North America to Europe through the waters between Greenland, Iceland and Britain.

Finland can help NATO to break this situation today.Retired Major General Davis said that in addition to open territory, Finland also purchased advanced arms, especially fighters."These strengthen the defense of the northeast. Once conflicts occur, Russia will be in danger."

A new generation of submarine to protect the underwater facilities and maintenance channels

As for Sweden.According to analysis, by 2028, Sweden's contribution to NATO will be deployed in a new generation of submarines in the Baltic Sea.

The commander of the Swedish First Submarine Fleet Linden said that the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline was destroyed in September 2022, which caused new security concerns. The new generation of submarines can protect the fragile submarine infrastructure and maintenance channelsAs a result, it played a significant role.Linden also said: "With five submarines, we can close the Baltic Sea."

FIIA Deputy Director Bao Kuning said that Russia has been covering the international environment and economic cooperation as a cover, and secretly continuously develops the power to fight against the West in the Arctic.FIIA estimates that the military power of Western countries in the Arctic has lagged behind Russia for about 10 years.

Northern fleet warships and bombers are not damaged by Nordic military power but have not actively developed

Bao Kuning said that although Russia suffered losses in Ukraine, the northern fleet's warships and strategic bomber were still intact.

In contrast, Nordic countries have not actively developing military strength.Denmark has cut military power and gradually eliminated the submarine fleet since 2004.Norway ordered four new submarines, the first ship will be delivered in 2029.

The high -level maritime security high -level researcher Bruns at the Institute of Security Policy of Kell University said: "I think we need (in military) to catch up, because we have not done well in the past 25 years."

Analysis says that the development of Finland and Sweden shows that it will reshape European security territory after the expansion of NATO.The north and south regions of the Baltic Sea may almost become a comprehensive a theater in NATO.

Lieutenant Colonel Mosho of NATO Allied Command said: "For NATO, the entire northern region is a whole, which is very important."

Moss is responsible for handling Finnish military integration into NATO.He said that the four Nordic countries formed a complete defense group."Considering the potential defense plan, now as an overall area, it has taken a big step forward for us."