President Lokashenko revealed that the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group leader of the Russian mercenaries, the Russian mercenary group, has returned to St. Petersburg, Russia.

Lukashenko said on June 27 that Pryigo accepted his mediation, ending the mutiny in exchange for criminal filed cases to withdraw, and arrived in White Ross.However, he revealed to the media on Thursday (July 6): "Porigen is currently in St. Petersburg. He is not on the territory of Beros."

According to Reuters, Lukashenko also said that the proposal to transfer some Wagner soldiers to Belos is still valid.He emphasized that he did not think that it would be risky to Berlos, nor believed that the Wagner soldiers would pick up weapons to fight Berlog.

The Kremlin previously said that it would not be held accountable for the rebellion of Porigen, but Russia's state -owned television station on Wednesday (5th) said that Perigo was the "traitor" and said that Russian officials were still against this rebellion against this rebellion.Examination was launched and did not intend to settle the case.

The TV station broadcast the so -called "exclusive picture" in the show, showing that law enforcement officials search for Poriger's office in St. Petersburg and a luxury mansion.

The picture shows that Pryigon's office is full of boxes full of ruble banknotes. Its luxury residences include private helicopters, weapon storage rooms, and even complete medical rooms.The show also mentioned that Pleigor Ren has multiple passports of different names, describing him as the head of the criminal group.