The Western Intelligence Department analyzed that the Russian mercenaries of the Russian mercenaries, the head of the Wagner Group, Perigon's original reconnaissance plan, including arresting high -level Russian military, but was forced to take action in advance after the plan was leaked.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted the unnamed Western officials, saying that Perigen was originally planned to capture two when Russia's Defense Minister Shoigugu and Chief of Staff Glasimov visited the southern region of the southern region of Ukraine.The Security Bureau discovered two days before the plan, and therefore had to temporarily formulate another plan.

The commander of the Russian National Guards Zolotov also told the media on Tuesday (June 27) that the official knew his intention before Porigen acts, and stated that a mutiny would occur from June 22-25The specific information was leaked from the Pricig's camp.

Some people familiar with the matter said that Western intelligence agencies also analyzed the intercepted electronic communication data and satellite images.Poligon's plan .They believe that the Poligon's plan is based on his believe that some Russian armed forces will choose to join the rebellion.

Western officials said that they believed that Porigen had conveyed his intention to senior officers, which may include Russia's deputy commander of the Ukrainian military operation, Solovigan, but it was not sure whether Surovijin informed the Federal Security Agency for the information.Essence

U.S. officials believe that Surovijin may understand Pricig's claim, but does not necessarily support or participate in its actions.

Surovijin is the first senior commander of the Russian army to condemn the Wagner soldiers and urges Porigen to stop. The troops he commanded were also the only army in the regular army to attack Wagner.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov also refuted refer to the report as guessing and gossip.

Western intelligence agencies said that Perigo was forced to take action on June 23 after the plan was leaked, and successfully occupied the key command point Rostov-On-Don.They analyzed that the Wagner forces can easily occupy the southern Russian cities with a population of 1 million and large military airports, indicating that some regular army commanders may participate in the mutiny.

After occupying the command point, Perigo sent thousands of people to the capital Moscow, and he was stationed in the local area to wait for the regular army to join his rebellion.Although the troops heading to Moscow had little obstruction on the road, there was no evidence that any regular forces joined them.

According to the analysis of the Western intelligence department, if it wasn't for the mediation of President Berlos Lukashenko, this mutiny may eventually evolve into an armed confrontation in Moscow.

There are also US officials that Pryigon's expectations of the help of Moscow failed to achieve the failure, forcing him to give up plans to continue to march into the capital.