(Washington Reuters) The United States Assistant Secretary of State Kangda, an assistant to East Asia and Pacific Affairs, said that the United States looks forward to establishing a stronger partnership with India in the South China Sea.

Kangda Wednesday (June 28) delivered a speech at the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS), saying that the United States saw that China has "obviously rising trends" in China in the South China Sea.When asked if India played a large role in the area and cooperated with the United States more, Kangda expressed his affirmation and stated that the United States would have a "Quad) country with the" Quartet Safety Dialogue ", namely India, Japan, and Australia.Expand more cooperation.

Kangda pointed out that the focus of the United States in the region is the ability to build a common vision for world peace and stability. "We will welcome cooperation with any country that support this vision. Of course"" ".

Before the speech on Kangda, Indian Prime Minister Modi just went to the United States to conduct a first state visit last week.In the meantime, the United States and India stated that each other was "one of the closest partners in the world" and emphasized that when responding to the challenges of the order of maritime rules such as the South China Sea, we must comply with international law.

The situation in the disputed waters of the South China Sea is highly tight, and the region is also one of the most important trade routes in the world. It has passed from here more than 3 trillion US dollars (about S $ 4.06 trillion) each year.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said that Beijing has a solid historical and legal basis for the South China Sea. The United States is not a dispute and should not carry out military operations in the area.

India is not a country in the South China Sea, but in recent years, it has strengthened its security connection with the region.The Indian Navy announced on Wednesday that it will give Vietnam a active missile frigate.This is the first time in India to give warships to other countries.