Japan is expected to , countries in East Asia opposed the voice, and the Chinese social media platform has set off a action to resist Japanese cosmetics. However, Japanese officials and media refer to the content of wastewater radiation in the Chinese nuclear power plant 6.5 times higher than that of Fukushima.

Sammery news news on June 23 quoted a Japanese official reported: "Although the Chinese government strongly opposes the water after the release of Electric Power, and people are mobilizing people to oppose it, China's own nuclear power plant is released more radioactive substances to release more radioactive substancesU (tritium). "

It is reported that the relevant data is taken from a report from China Nuclear Energy Yearbook and nuclear power plant operators.Among them, the radioactive substances discharged from Zhejiang Qinshan No. 3 Nuclear Power Station in 2020 are about 14.3 trillion Berkler; in 2021, the Guangdong Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station Power Plant was excreted by about 112 trillion Bercler;you.

In contrast, the Tokyo Power Plan controls the total radioactive substance emissions of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant to be less than 22 trillion Barkler.

Report also said that Japanese officials will be based on scientific evidence and on -site inspections, "seeking understanding of governments and media, including China,".

Several Japanese ruling members of the Japanese ruling also postponed on Twitter.The Liberal Democratic Party MP Haozhi said: "Treatment of water discharge to the ocean is a routine business of nuclear power plants in various countries, and it should not only target Fukushima."

Sankei News also said that the "international community began to understand" the plan of Fanwater in Japan, but "China has not showed signs of slowing down, and the Japanese government is fiercely launched with China."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin criticized the Japanese government at the press conference in early June and repeatedly "whitewashed" for Fukushima nuclear sewage, and said, "If nuclear pollution water really said as safe and harmless as the Japanese said, thenWhy don't the Japanese discharge directly to domestic lakes? Why do you still insist on building and eager to start the tunnel tunnel? "

Two years ago, when the Japanese government announced the plan to discharge Fukushima's wastewater into the ocean, there were also Fierce Tongue War .At that time, Japan's then Minister of Finance, Taro, said that he "had no problem with drinking water", and was countered by a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "If you drink it, you can drink it."

Chinese netizens have launched resistance due to the Fukushima drainage plan, and Japanese cosmetics companies are also implicated.According to Bloomberg, the stock price of Shiseido, a major cosmetics company in Japan, has reached the largest weekly decline in nearly 10 months.Other Japanese cosmetics manufacturers such as Pola Orbis Holdings Inc. and Takashi also fell more than 3 %.