US special prosecutor Smith requested the former presidential president of the United StatesTrump The opening date was postponed to December.

Reuters reported that a court document in the United States showed that Smith, who was responsible for investigating Trump's two major criminal cases, requested it to a federal court judge to postpone the opening date of confidential documents cases to postpone the opening date of the secret document case.By December 11.

Aileen Cannon, the judge of the Federal Regional Court of Florida, who is in charge of this case.Realtime/World/Story20230621-1406346 "R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _blank> The opening date is scheduled to be on August 14 .

Trump Facing 37 federalsCriminal charges , 31 of which involve the crime of violating the espionage law.

The US Minister of Justice Galan announced in November last year that he appointed Smith to take over Trump's two major criminal case investigations, including Trump on January 6, 2021 The Riraise of the Congress , as well as the secrets of the government after he stepped downProcessing of files.

Trump, who is seeking to return to the White House, is the first former president of the United States facing federal criminal charges.Trump recently stated that even if he was convicted, he would persist in running for president.