(Boston Comprehensive Electric) The submersible Titan is in the pressure cabin. I believe that the power is huge and the time is extremely short.

Titani to go to the Titani is buried in a depth of about 3,800 meters in the North Atlantic Ocean, where the water pressure there is equivalent to 400 atmospheric pressure.If the diving hull is due to defects and other reasons, in the case of external pressure exceeding the hull tolerance, the hull will be crushed by huge water pressure, a fierce internal explosion in a few milliseconds, and the passengers in the submersible will die instantly.

Internal explosion is the opposite of the explosion. "Internal explosion refers to the direction of pressure waves, and explosion refers to the spread of pressure waves or shock waves from the source."

Titan was built by Oceangate Inc., Everdon, Washington, to withstand the design of the extreme water pressure in the territory area of Titani, which was previously near the wreckage of Titani.But as early as January 2018, some people questioned their safety inside and outside the Ocean Gate.

The director of the Maritime Operations in front of the Marine Gate was fired for warning

The most noticeable thing is the lawsuit of David Lochridge and the company's lawsuit in front of the maritime operating director of the Marine Gate. Rockridge was warned by a warning of the "experimental" carbon fiber hull of the deep -sea submersible.Removal.

In the report that he had previously submitted to the company's management, he had more tests on deep -sea submersibles with severe wording, emphasizing the danger of the occupants when the deep -sea submersible arrived in extremely deep.Two months later, there were nearly 40 industry people, deep -sea explorers, and marine scholars jointly sent a letter to the founder of the Marine Gate.

Rockridge and external experts who submitted the joint letter were a little bit out. Rush did not want to hand over the deep -sea submersible to the industry authoritative institutions for inspection and certification.

Rodrick Smith, a professor of engineering at the Empire Institute of Technology in London, pointed out that the Titan accident is likely to be caused by "resistance of pressure -resistant hulls", but he also pointed out that it may be difficult to pick up the wreckage.find out the reasons.Smith said: "The intensity of internal explosion is very violent, which means that it may be difficult to determine the order of things."

The movie Titani director James Cameron, the film, told the New York Times on the 22nd that he made a composite carbon fiber and a deep -sea submersible boat.Holding suspicion.He said that this boat will lead to layered (the failure state of the material to break into layers) and fine water seepage, and the long -term function will gradually decline.

Cameron became a deep -sea explorer in the 1990s to study and direct Titani. He said in an interview with Reuters through a video: "I think this is a horrible practice ... I have never tried it beforeThis technology, it sounds bad alone. "

Cameron supports legislative stipulation stipulates that submersible obtaining certification

Cameron is also one of the bosses of a submersible manufacturer Triton Submarines. The company mainly manufactures a submersible for research and sightseeing.He supports legislation to stipulate that submersible obtaining certification, but pointed out that this must be obtained in each country that operates a submersible.

Dale Molé, director of the U.S. Navy Oceanic Medicine and Radiation Health Group, told the British Daily Mail that the Titan occupant died almost in the moment of the strong power of the deep sea and had no pain.He said: "Things happened too suddenly. They didn't even know something wrong, and did not know what happened."