(Boston Comprehensive Television) The titan, a submersible for many days, had a catastrophic internal explosion near the Titani shipwreck. The United States Coast Guard said that all five passengers were killed.

On the afternoon of Thursday (June 22), the United States Coast Guard Mog Mog said at a press conference that the unmanned submersible in the Canadian Arctic Horizon Odysseus was about the head of the Titanine ship.1600 feet (about 500 meters), 3,800 meters under the North Atlantic Ocean found that the Titan crushed components were found, and more wreckage was found afterwards.

Mog said at a press conference held in Boston that the wreckage includes two parts of the stern cone and the resistance of pressure -resistant hulls. Experts analyzed the signs of disaster explosion in the submersible stress compartment by experts.

The Wall Street Journal quoted anonymous naval officials reported that the U.S. Navy's underwater sound monitoring equipment used to detect submarines detected the sound of internal explosion.Officials said: The U.S. Navy analyzed acoustic data and found that the area area of the Titan submersible operating area has an abnormal phenomenon that is consistent with internal explosion or explosion.

It is difficult to determine that the Titan submersible explosion is still determined, and when the seabed search operation is not determined when it is over.Mog added that the search team will continue to collect information and try to determine the cause of internal explosion.

There was no sign showing that the Titan collided with Titani wreckage.In addition, the underwater noise detected by search and rescue personnel has nothing to do with the submersible.

Not determined whether the remains of the victims will be salvaged

The Titan wreckage area is close to the location when it lost in the prince of the mother ship.Mog did not mention whether the remains of the human body were discovered.He said: On behalf of the United States Coast Guard and the entire unified headquarters, I expressed the deepest mourning to the families of the victims.

It is unclear whether the official will salvage the body of the victims next.Legal experts said that although passengers signed the exemption consent, they did not mean that their families could not be held accountable and claimed compensation to the Oceangate Expeditions.

The Titan, 22 feet (about seven meters) long (about seven meters), dives from about 600 kilometers outside the shore of Newfoundland, Canada (about 1450 kilometers east of Kodak, Massachusetts, Massachusetts).After seven hours, the water sinking area was rose to the water, but after one hour and 45 minutes of the water, I lost contact with the mother ship.

The Titan lost contact operation company did not notify the first time

When the Titan lost contact with the mother ship, the gate of the ocean did not report the first time.Titan was interrupted at 9:45 am local time, but the gate of the ocean did not notify the US Coast Guard until 5:40 pm, and the Canadian Coast Guard was notified until 9:13 of the evening.

Search teams and supporters from the United States, Canada, France, and Britain searched for the past few days to find Titan in the Gonghai of thousands of square miles.

The oxygen supply in the Titan is expected to be exhausted on the 22nd, and the gate of the ocean has issued a statement before the press conference held by the Coast Guard saying that there are no survivors of the five occupants.The statement described the victims as a real explorer and expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims.

The victims were Stockton Rush, the founder of the Marine Gate of the Titan, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Hamish Harding, a businessman born in Pakistan,(Shahzada Dawood) and his son Suleman.

The gate of the ocean will launch a weekly tour of Titanine Wreckage Tourist Tour, with a travel expense of $ 250,000 (about S $ 337,896) per person.