(Gada French Xindian) Saudi Arabia has become one of the world's major drug markets in recent years. In order to increase drugs, Saudi Arabia resumed penalties for the death penalty of drug -related criminals last year, while actively launched anti -drug operations.

Agence France -Presse statistics that since last year, Saudi Arabia has executed at least 20 drug dealers, and the number of drug -involved in the network has also increased significantly.According to official media reports, at least two security officials were killed in the anti -drug operation, and one of them died last week.

A anonymous drug dealer in Gada told AFP: "I have multiple customers (drug addicts) have been arrested in private places recently, which has never happened."

A security personnel revealed that the official was severely dispelled because of repeated incidents of drug -addictive violent attacks.Recently, a couple suffered from arson with a drug -addictive son, unfortunately died.

Saudi Arabia is believed to be the world's largest market in the world. The local wealthy people often use this kind of illegal drug to help in the party.

Drug supply mainly comes from Syria and Lebanon

Saudi drug supply mainly comes from Syria and Lebanon. In the past, the drug -based drugs were mainly based on cracking down on drug smuggling activities. Recently, it has been changed to capture domestic drug dealers and drug addicts.For example, in Gada, a large -scale signboard is erected on the roadside, calling on the public to report drug trafficking and drug drugs.

In order to curb crimes, Saudi Arabia has restored to the death penalty of drug -related deaths that has been suspended for nearly three years.Rose, a member of the New Line Research Institute of the US Think Tank, said that in the past one or two or two, the number of drug -related people arrested and the death penalty in Saudi Arabia has increased, and the focus is on the interception of drugs from the border to the anti -drug traveler.And caused security problems.

According to the data from the Ministry of Health, the local drug flooded, the number of drug users exceeded 200,000.Among the 32.2 million people in Saudi Arabia, young people under the age of 30 accounted for 51%.Political analyst Suleman pointed out that in order to get rid of the dependence on the oil economy and promote the diversified economic development, Saudi Arabia is the mainstay of this plan for this great plan, and severely banned drugs to prevent the majority of young people from being violated by drugs.