(Kiev Composite) President Luchenko said that Start receiving Russian tactical nuclear weapons , and some of them are three times the atomic bomb cast by the United States in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945.Russian President Putin said on the same day that Russia has significantly increased weapons production, but still lacks sufficient advanced weapons.

The White Ross National News Agency posted on Tuesday (June 13) on Telegram. In the interview with the Russian Channel of Russia, Lukashenko said: "We received missiles and bombs from Russia. The power of these bombs was (Vote in) Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bullets. "

Lukashenko said that White Ross has many nuclear storage facilities left over during the Soviet Union, and has now repaired five or six of them.Regarding Russia's retention of nuclear weapons control, White Ross could not quickly use these weapons, Lukashenko said that "at any time" can call Putin.

March this year announced that it will deploy Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Beros , Aroused criticism from the United States and allies.

Lukashenko said that the move can deter the potential invaders."We have always been (Western) goal. They have wanted to tear us into fragments since 2020. So far, no one has fought with the nuclear country."

White Ross and Lithuania, Latvia and Poland borders.Lukashenko has accused the West of attempts to pull him down.

Lukashenko: If Bairos is invaded, he will intervene in the Russian and Ukraine conflict

According to Tass reports, Lukashenko said on Wednesday (14th) that if White Ross was invaded, it would involve Russia and Ukraine conflict .

Putin rarely admits on Tuesday that the Russian forces fighting in Ukraine lack sufficient advanced weapons.At present, Ukraine is launching a new round of counterattack with the support of the ally.

When I met Russian journalists and military blogs on the same day, Putin said: "We obviously lack a lot of things -high -precision ammunition, communication equipment, and drones. We have these things, but the number is not enough."

Putin pointed out that the output of basic Russia's basic weapons and equipment is 2.7 times a year ago, and the output of the military's urgent needs is 10 times the previous. Although many domestic defense factories rush to work all over the weather, the Russian army needs more."We need modern anti -tank weapons, we need modern tanks."

He also revealed that since Ukrainian , , , The Russian army has lost 54 tanks, which is the first time that the Kremlin has admitted such a big war.However, Putin insisted that Ukraine's counterattack failed to succeed, saying that the Ukraine had lost 160 tanks and suffered "catastrophic" casualties.

Russia or withdrawn from the Black Sea Food Agreement Agreement reached with Wu

Putin also said that Russia considers the withdrawal from Agricultural Foreign Products Foreign Transport Agreement Agreement with Ukrainian."Russia supports this agreement to support developing countries and lift sanctions on Russian agriculture. But we are deceived again, we are thinking about how to get rid of this so -called food transportation agreement." If Russia refuses to extend the period, the agreement will beExpress on July 17.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Mariar's report on Wednesday, in extremely fierce battles, Military counterattack continues to make small progress .In the past day, the Ukrainian Army advanced 200 to 500 meters in many areas near Bachmut, east, and promoted 300 to 350 meters in the direction of Zapolo in the southeast.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that in the past 24 hours, the Ukraine tried to launch an offense in Donetsk and Zapolo, but it was not successful and suffered heavy losses.

Ukrainian officials said on Wednesday that Russia launched a missile attack on Odessa, Black Sea Port City, Odessa and Donetsk, East, to hit a retail chain warehouse and multiple private houses, causing at least six people to die.

In addition, the United States announced on Tuesday to provide Ukraine with a total value of $ 3225 million in military assistance.U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said the aid includes ammunition, anti -tank weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment for Himars high -engine artillery rocket systems.